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To whoever decided to upload my entire patreon content to that pirate website starting with kem : 

I'm not all white so I won't blame you and obviously I can't stop you either.

Know however that making these models is a significant amount of work, roughly 10-15 hours for a simple one, double or triple for more complex stuff. 

I release at least 3 models per month so we're talking at least 30-45 hours, not counting the many hours I spend on scripting to improve the UI or building side goodies like the pose library or the outfit library.

Consider also that I do it on my free time aside from an actual full time job so I make models out of free will, not out of necessity, and I can quit anytime.

It's not that fun most of the time so I'm actually often on the bridge to stop everything and what you've done doesn't help.

I've started sharing models because people asked me to and I've shared a lot of them for free, more than most model makers. 

It came a time where it began to feel more like a second job so it seemed fair to have something in return and honestly I'm not asking for much considering the work I put into it.

That being said, what's done is done so we'll see how it goes from there. I'll have content for september at least, after that I don't know yet.


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