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Hi everyone,

Some of you have asked me if I could switch to the latest version of the daz addon. 

My answer so far was always no because this version breaks the IK/FK switch for my current models and also breaks the outfit library since the retarget tool for drivers is gone (I know about the change armature button but it's not the same thing).

Anyway, after many many hours of trial and errors, I've managed to tweak the 1.6.1 scripts to fix the IK/FK switch and bring back the retarget feature.

So I'm glad to announce that we're officially switching to v1.6.1 soon, albeit a slightly customized version but still. The changes will be invisible for you anyway.

For those who wonder what it will change over the current version : not many things but there are a few new tools that will help me build models and overall it handles drivers in a better way that should help with performance.

Now I'm going to have to rebuild my default bodies and armatures for females and males which might take a little while :/



Sounds like it'll be a painful transition but worth it in the end. Godspeed, and take whatever time you need


Kinda painful process yeah but I've learned some stuff about scripting and it was very satisfying when I finally achieved my goal at fixing both issues.