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Beta release for Amelie from Death Stranding. Her dress has a cloth simulation but it's also rigged, so if you prefer you can deactivate the cloth sim. 

In other news I've decided to separate textures between two files : a pack that is used and shared with all of my female character, and one specific to the model so you won't need to download the default package for each character if you already have it.

I've also updated Jessie, here are the main changes : 

- fixed the nails shapes not working

- made so that heels and hand poses won't reset the entire pose

- improved compatibility with daz poses

Haruka has been uploaded to smutbase so all updates for her will be there now. I've also uploaded the outfit library on open3dlab, only 3 outfits for now but it will grow with time. 

Link for models : go to smutbase



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