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Edit : @Rork raised a valid point about access to updates (fixes) for models that you got via tier 2-4 but were moved to "on demand". What I'm gonna do is this : files on gdrive will keep the same direct link, so as long as you have that link, you can get updates or redownload the model. That will remain the case until I release a major update, in which case the older version will be removed. It also solves the specific scenario where you would have a limited access to internet and can't download hundreds of Mb right on, or lose/delete the model somehow. The list of direct links will replace the current access to gdrive folders found on the stickied post.

Hi everyone,

The last few weeks I've been trying to figure out a way to balance things out and keep me motivated going forward. I'm not sure if it will work but I'll give it a try and hopefully motivation will come back along the way.

Changes will impact both my workload and the tiers' rewards.

I'm confident what I've ended up with is fair but I'm open to discussion.

You can skip to III if you just want to know about tiers' evolutions.

I_Balance regarding my workload :

1. Models I work on will revolve around the renders I want to make, instead of the other way around

2. I will (try to) refrain myself from porting every outfit available for a model and concentrate on the ones I want instead. Maybe extras outfits added later would be located in the outfit library instead, or full covering outfits, . This is still undecided for now.

3. Tiers' logic will be about you getting access to my content, instead of me delivering content. As a result, monthly imposed releases and polls will disappear. Future release rate is hard to evaluate right now but simultaneous releases will be more common. I'll try to post more infos about next releases and progress so that you can have a better idea of what's coming.

4. Male models will do a come back as I'll need some for my renders.

II_Balance regarding rewards : 

I've always wanted to keep access to my content affordable, but after two years of constant releases and improvements, it's not affordable anymore, it's become terribly cheap. 4,5€ for 120 models represents less than 4cts per model, not counting the libraries. I feel like that price for one model still wouldn't be a rip off.

Also I heard you about you keeping a monthly fee, but I think the per model payment is well adapted to my content so I tried to find an in-between.

Anyway, the access to models will now be limited in time and amount for most tiers, and new "on demand" tiers will be created where people can ask for an access to past released models.

If you're a recurring patron, it won't change much for you.

III_The "new" tiers :

So here's the result.

Tiers' prices won't change, only the rewards will, starting next month.

Tier 1 :

  • Access to free models (same list as smutbase, around 20) [no new models will be released for that tier except if I release something else on smutbase]

  • 4K shared textures

  • UI updates

  • Unwatermarked & uncompressed renders/videos

Tier 2 :

  • Tier 1 rewards

  • +Access to latest 3 released models (or model updates)

Tier 3 :

  • Tier 1 & 2 rewards

  • +Access to pose & outfit libraries

Tier 4 :

  • Tier 1, 2 & 3 rewards

  • +Access to latest 5 released models (or model updates)

  • +Temporary access to some content from my renders [will depend on render, can be custom outfits, materials, scene, props etc. It's a limited access for the patrons that will be there when it's available. Content would be replaced when I release a new render. Outfits may be included in the library later on but not guaranteed]

On Demand Tiers (15-35-50 €):

  • Access to 1, 3 or 5 past released models, on demand.

  • Above 5 models, it will be custom pledges (10€ per model added above 5).

So what's coming next ? Silver Sable and Jaheira will come first as they are mostly done. Next I have a few renders planned, going from rdr 2 to witcher 3 and dragon age. I also have hundreds of new poses for the library that I need to work on.


Baron Rogacizna

Glad to see you managed to figure out what works best for you!


No problem for you to earn more. Just one thing : No problem for having a limited time for models, having at least 3 months to download the current month rewards would be great -> So perfect for Tier 3. However, updates should be available for tiers who had the first release, especially when you release an update because of problems in the model. But if the update is for more clothes or something, OK to put it in tier 4. But imho, tier 4 should not become a "premium" tier, with all clothes or variants for a model (after an update) while tier 3 is for basic content (without variants or with just basic clothing for example). Or if it's the case, price should not be too much higher. My 2 cents.


You raise some fair points that I'll try to answer. The 3 months period to download is interesting in theory but that would bring me back to needing a fixed release rate and the whole thing is about getting rid of that. I'm not saying I plan on not releasing anything for 3 months but if one tier is on time limit, all tiers must be and tier 2 has to become a monthly thing. So no, I won't go there. I agree about updates but I can't keep track of every patron that was there when the model was released and give them the update. In the post I wrote "released models (or model updates)", which was meant for model reworks, but I guess it could also be correction updates and they would replace one of the currently available models. Tier 4 won't be a premium tier for models, tier 3 might eventually be if added outfits end up in some sort of character specific outfit library but that's undecided right now. If I'm adding outfits to a model, it's very likely that I will update it as well so it would be considered a release instead.