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Edit : dirty fix to make the dragon pop more, also did the same but better for stills.

Being on a break this month allowed me to tackle this beast at last (I started building this 15 months ago).

It also allowed me to go back to my first love which is "animated stills", inspired by this 2.5D effect..and Skyrim too. Basically it's still images with a few moving parts.

There are 8 variations of this video available here, I recommend looping it.

Relying on view layers allowed me to make those variations in a "reasonable" time frame, which is roughly 5 full hours of rendering instead of 24 hours if I rendered 8 complete variations. For example, the mountain was rendered once on a single frame, ground and tower on 120 frames but once and then reused for each variations.

I want to get better at those so I'll make them more regularly. I might have been a bit too far with the moving parts in this one.

PS : the whiterun guard is just taking a nap don't worry



This is awesome! Incredibly gorgeous, with incredibly dramatic blocking and framing! Looking forward to more of this!