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Who's already in the Xmas mood? XD Here in the Netherlands we just finish celebrating Sinterklaas, kind of like the Dutch version of Xmas XD with LOTS of presents and Xmas for us is more like a get together feast lol like Thanksgiving then ^^ This will be this month's stickers!

ps: I haven't drawn last month's stickers yet UWU but it'll be in the No Nut Nov theme so expect some sexy chibis! 




For some reason,.....I just can't picture Punk, EVER having a happy time at Christmas, as a child and teenager, I mean. Sure, once he was living with Drew and his Dad.....his 'outlook' on life was greatly improved.....and he finally was able to 'feel' like a part of a real Family. And it wasn't until he met Nerd, spending time with him, and made the decision to "Woo" him, did he have an emotional 'stake', in Christmas......Glad he had the chance to experience the "True" meaning of the Holiday....."Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards Men".....>^^<........Happy Holidays, Yana and to your Family as well.


Omg that Nerd sticker is soooooo adorable it just kills me

sakurada yana

Hahaha well at least we know when it's the holidays season, they only go visiting at Nerd's parents <3


Someday......Will Punk, ever show Nerd, the neighborhood that he grew up in?.......Sometimes it is a 'good' thing to revisit your past 'stomping grounds', your past, to share it with your loved ones, and to 'exorcise' any demons, Punk may still be haunted by?.....Just, maybe, a story sideline?......he touched on a general idea of what his life was like, but does Nerd 'know' Punk's 'backstory'?.....>^^<.....just a suggestion.....