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The sun is streaming in, falling on the tiny dust speckles in the room. Gabriel lies in bed with his head turned towards the window, squinting against the sunlight as he appreciates the endless clear blue sky. Last night's storm paved way to a bright and sunny day. A flock of birds fly into his field of vision, zigzagging their way through the sky. He smiles. With only the soft beeps of his heart monitor to accompany him in the relative quiet of the room, Gabriel feels peaceful like he hadn't been for a while now.

He glances back at the book in his lap. Anna had just left, promising to return tomorrow so that they could geek out again. They had a lot of fun despite his early fumble. Anna had teased him mercilessly about Chase, making him feel flustered and very much like a steam train, about ready to burst with embarrassment. When he's red as a tomato, she took his hands and told him how happy she was for him. That he deserved to have someone who treats him well. After that, things had gotten emotional again, and they ended up laughing about it as they wiped their eyes.

The knock on the door pulls him out of his reverie. He looks up to see a nurse walking into the room, a clipboard in hand. She gives Gabriel a warm smile, her long black hair tied back into a neat ponytail, her blue-gray eyes friendly. "How are you feeling, Gabriel?" she asks, standing beside him by his bed. She leaves the clipboard on the table, checks his stats and feels his forehead.

"I'm feeling better, Nurse Haniel," he answers.

Haniel laughs, voice cheery and light. "Please, call me Hannah. Haniel is something only my parents call me. And don't bother with the 'nurse' thing. Just Hannah is fine." She checks his arms where the IV drip is sticking out from the vein. She tuts, frowning a little. "You seem a little bruised here," she says. Gabriel looks down at his hands. The skin around the needle is indeed purplish.

"Maybe I could see if we can take you off the drip. Are you drinking well?" He nods. "Do you think you can stomach solids?" Gabriel hesitates, then shrugs. "Well, we can always start you up with jellos first, see how that takes. If all goes well, we'll get you off the drip. Sounds good?"

Gabriel nods. "Yes, thank you, Nur- Hannah," he corrects himself. "Jellos sound nice." Since he had woken up, the only thing he'd been consuming was water. And though it soothes his throat, he's craving for flavor and jellos sound perfect. Sweet, cold and soft. Gabriel's mouth watered just thinking about it. Hannah smiles, ticking something on her clipboard.

"Well, your temperature has returned to normal, and that's good. You were burning up right after the surgery which is not unusual but if it stayed then we would have a problem. There might have been an infection, but that is not the case..." She mumbles the last sentence, talking more to herself than Gabriel as she scribbles on the clipboard. "Do you feel dizzy or nauseated?" she asks, indicating his head.

Gabriel thinks for a moment, then nods. "Sometimes. When I move too fast or too suddenly."

"That's common. You need to drink more water to stay hydrated and rest more. You were pretty banged up. We almost lost you there." Gabriel's eyes widened. He didn't know that. Hannah steps closer, one hand coming up to squeeze Gabriel's shoulder. "But you made it. You're one tough cookie."

Gabriel manages a weak smile. He still couldn't believe he had almost died. He had wanted to when he was lying on the restroom floor. He just wanted the pain to end, and he saw no reason for him to live. No one is going to miss him or mourn him. But lying here, he realizes how wrong he had been. He has so much to live for, and he can't help but feel grateful to be alive.

"Thank you for saving me," he says earnestly.

"Honey, it's our job. And to be honest, you can thank Dr. Benton for that. He's the one who operated on you, and you couldn't ask for a more determined and single-minded doctor. He operated on you for 6 hours straight, without rest," she praises, admiration clear on her face. "He'll drop by later to give you a checkup. And he'll let you know what you should or should not do once you get home."

Gabriel nods. "Do you know when?" The thought of going back to the home leaves Gabriel with mixed feelings. He likes it here. It's peaceful and quiet. He doesn't feel tense or nervous or scared, unsure of what is expected of him next. Also, he doesn't think his body is ready for what's waiting for him when he gets back. Gordon had tore into him, ripping him open. Even now, sitting on the soft bed, he can feel the slight tingle and soreness.

"Well, if all goes well with the checkup and Dr. Benton approves, you're free to go tomorrow night. We'll call the home then and have someone come and pick you up."

Gabriel sags into the pillow he had been leaning against. Tomorrow night. He hadn't expected to go home so soon. Dread as heavy as lead settles in his bones. He doesn't think Lucas will be cruel enough to pimp him out right away. But maybe he'll send him off to Chastity. They do have an out-standing appointment. His stomach churns uncomfortably.

Chastity is a sadistic dominatrix. Just thinking of her sends shudders up his spine. She never lacks creativity on what to do with him. Often, she will tie him up and beat him senseless with a crop. Sometimes, she would pour hot wax down his chest or drip it onto his penis and balls. When she's in the mood, she would prepare ice cubes and use them on his nipples, watching as they harden and turn blue from the cold. She also loves shoving them into his ass, one after the other and watching them melt, water leaking down his thighs.

But her utmost favorite thing to do is orgasm denial. And she's good at it. She would play with his prostate, stimulate his penis and nipples until he's hard and needy, helpless against her ministration. Then, she would mock him, call him a slut for wanting it. And when he can't take it anymore, the need to come is too much to handle, half out of his mind with desperation, he would beg, cry but she always ignores his pleas. Instead, she'll put a cock ring on him and continue to edge him further, watch as he squirms and pants as she waits. It doesn't take long after that for him to break, tears and sweat drying off his body as she milks the semen out of him.

His penis, after being hard for so long, feels relief but it's a double edged knife. After every session, he's left trembling, wrung out and feeling more used than he'd ever been. Rode hard and put up wet. He'll be too disoriented to fully process what happened right away, but each night when he falls into bed, the humiliation would come, forcing him to relive the things he let done to him, the way he broke down and begged. And for what? To orgasm? The next few days will be the worst. He feels off, not like himself. Chastity's sessions mess with his head, his hormones. He hates it. He hates Chastity. He really hopes Lucas won't send him there.

"How are your ribs feeling?" Hannah asks oblivious to his turmoil.


"They're going to be sore for a while. Nothing you can do with bruised ribs except to wait it out and let them heal by themselves. We can provide pain medication for that," she says, scribbling on the clipboard. "You also have a fractured hip so movement might be limited. We could provide you with crutches to take home with you. Just in case you need them."

Gabriel touches his left hip, feeling the soreness there but it doesn't seem too bad. He hadn't tried to walk yet though so it might be possible that he may need help moving about. He's going to have to test that theory soon. His bladder has been nudging at him for awhile now, persistent. "I'm not sure," he answered honestly.

"No worries, we'll decide later when you're out and about," Hannah says, smiling before looking back to her clipboard. Her expression sobers. She looks up at him; her eyes sad as she says in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry for what happened to you, Gabriel. No one deserves that."

Their easy conversation screeches to a halt. All of a sudden the air in the room feels thicker, more hard to breathe. Hannah knows. Of course she knows, idiot. She's a nurse. She treated you. Even without the police reports, his injuries are very telling. Gabriel swallows. He doesn't want to be reminded of the assault. He doesn't want to talk about it. He just wants to put it behind him and forget that it ever happened. Why is Hannah bringing this up? Can't she see that it's making him uncomfortable?

"Because it's a rape case, we have to check for sexually transmitted diseases," Hannah continues. Oh. A dead weight settles in his chest. Ohgod, he knows he's dirty, but now he might even be disease ridden. Gabriel wants to puke, his chest tightening painfully. It would be just his luck to catch a STD now that something good finally happened to him. A soothing hand rests on his shoulder, steadying him. He didn't realize that he's shaking. "You're clean, Gabriel."

Gabriel turns wide, disbelieving eyes at Hannah. "Really?" he whispers. Hannah nods and smiles. Relief like he never felt before washes through him. He huffs out a breath, his eyes watery with unshed tears and smiles. "I'm clean?" Then, "I'm clean!" he exclaims, hardly believing the words coming out of his mouth.

Lucas was adamant that his clients use condoms whenever he tricks. And Gabriel sticks to it. But when it comes to Zael and his friends, he doesn't have a say. And more often than not they don't use condoms. He knows he's risking his life with every unprotected fuck, but he never thought too hard about it. Not when his daily life revolves around lying on his back and taking it. It's not like there's a choice. So he let that titbit slip.

But now that he's faced with the very real possibility of contracting something, suddenly the threats become real. Very real. For a moment, before Hannah told him he was clean, he thought that this is it. This is his life. He's going to die a disease ridden whore, and that'll be his legacy. That's who he'll ever be. There's no turning back. It's done.

Someone up there must be looking out for him because for some reason he dodges the bullet, free of any diseases and the thought that he might be able to start anew, start fresh, leaves Gabriel speechless. He's clean! He can still walk away from this a person, who has dreams and hopes and aspirations. He could live. It is at that moment that he knows without a doubt that he cannot return to the home. To Lucas. He cannot return to being a whore anymore. He can't.

Someone knocks on the door. Gabriel's eyes fly towards it. Hannah turns to look at the newcomer just as Gabriel beams when he sees who it is. "Chase!" he greets, his heart overflowing with warmth at the sight of the green eyed man. Hannah turns back to Gabriel and smiles knowingly.

"Lisa was right. He's adorable," she teases. Gabriel blushes. "I'll leave you two alone then." She turns to leave and just as she's exiting the room, turns back to say in a mock stern voice, "No fooling around okay, boys? Gabriel still needs to heal." Both Chase and Gabriel turn a deep shade of red. Laughing softly to herself, Hannah leaves, closing the door behind her.

Chase is standing near the door, his hands stuffed deep into the pocket of his jeans. He has his backpack with him, hanging off his shoulder to one side. Gabriel notices it right away. Something is different about Chase. The way he holds himself, tensed and stilted. And then there's the fact that his t-shirt is soaked through. Is it so hot outside?

Then, he takes in Chase's complexion. He looks pale, a little green around the edge and his normally well-spiked hair is a mess; dirty blonde locks falling over his forehead. He looks on edge too, shifty, his eyes trained on the floor in front of him. Concerned, he asks "Chase? Are you okay? You look... off."

Chase snaps his eyes up at Gabriel, looking like a deer caught in headlights before he replaces it with a bad imitation of his crinkly eyed smile. It looks forced. Gabriel is confused as he frowns at Chase, trying to understand his odd behavior. The smile lingers for a second longer before it diminishes completely. Chase's whole body crumbles in on itself, and he looks about to collapse.

"Chase!" He sits up in his bed in alarm. He pushes the blanket off and is about to leave the bed when two shaking hands settle on his shoulders, pushing him back into the bed. Gabriel stares in horror at Chase's wrists. They're both bloodied, the skin scraped raw. He grabs at Chase's arm, just below his wrists and stares at the wounds disbelievingly. "Chase- what happened?" Chase snatches his hands back and stuffs them into his pocket again. He shrugs. "Nothing." His voice sounds strained and tired.

"Nothing? Chase, that's not nothing. What the hell happened? Tell me," he demands, surprising both Chase and himself at the commanding tone of his voice. He had never once raised his voice before, and his outburst surprised himself. They both blink at one another, stunned silent. Then in a much gentler tone, Gabriel asks again "Chase, please. Tell me what happened. Did Lucas do this to you?"

Fear and guilt claw their way into his guts. Did Chase get into trouble because he came to see him last night? Chase had even stayed the night. Lucas must have found out and punished Chase for it. This is his fault. Because of him, Chase had gotten hurt. But that can't be it. Lucas was calm this morning. He hadn't shown any signs of knowing that Chase was here, or that anything was amiss.

Chase shakes his head, hesitates then nods. He seems conflicted, still not looking at Gabriel. "Is that a yes or a no, Chase?" Chase stills for a moment before he ends up shrugging, sliding his backpack off his shoulder and settles it on the floor in front of him. He doesn't look back up, eyes fixed on his backpack. Frustrated, Gabriel tilts Chase's head up with his fingers so that they're eyes to eyes. "Chase?"

Chase stares at him. The usual shine in his eyes is gone. They're wide and terrified. The skin around them is hallowed, eyebags visible underneath his eyes. Something about them screams desperation and Gabriel is growing more and more alarmed by the minute. Something is seriously wrong. Before he could ask further, Chase breaks. He crumples into the chair beside him, his face twists into despair right before his eyes. Tears start to pool in those emerald green orbs and before long Chase's crying. Shocked, Gabriel cups Chase's face in his hands, wiping the tears there. Chase leans into the touch, his hands coming up to close over Gabriel's.

"I'm sorry, Gabe..." he sobs. "I'm so sorry..."

Confused, he asks, "What are you sorry for, Chase?" His heartbeats quicken. He's frightened. Of what, he doesn't know yet. "I'm sorry..." Chase continues to babble.

Alarmed, confused and scared, he pulls Chase's head to his chest, smoothing a hand over his hair, petting Chase soothingly. "It's okay, Chase. Whatever it is, you can tell me. Please...," he adds, desperate. Chase continues to sob, rubbing his face into the front of his hospital gown, drenching it with tears. "Chase, please... I can't stand seeing you like this. Please... Just tell me," he begs. His heart aches upon seeing Chase like this. Chase is the strong one. He lashes out in anger when he's upset. He doesn't break down and cry.

The only time he saw Chase cry was last night. But that was different. Chase cried for him. Because he was hurt. Fear prickled at him as he thought about it, his heart stopping. No, it can't be, can it? In a hoarse whisper, he asks, "Is it Sam?" Chase sobs even harder, confirming his theory. God, no. Not Sam. Chase loves Sam more than anything in the world and if something were to happen to him... Gabriel can feel his own tears pricking his eyes. "What happened?" he forces himself to ask. Chase doesn't answers at first, then-

"They took him." Chase has finally stopped crying, looking up at Gabriel with a bleak expression on his face.



Gabriel freezes. There's a buzzing noise in his ears. The room fades into the background. Every sound dims. The beeping, the murmurs outside. Everything except the roar in his ears. "Gordon?" he croaks. Chase nods. Fear strikes him hard and fast. "Wha-? Why? How? Oh my god, is Sam okay? Did they-?" He couldn't finish the sentence. The thought of Sam at the mercy of Gordon and his men chills him to his bones. Sam is only 6 years old! Gabriel breaks out into a cold sweat. "Chase! They can't-" He gasps, sucking in breath but he can't seem to get enough into his lungs.

"Breathe, Gabriel. Sammie is okay. They haven't done anything to him. Yet." Chase looks away.



"What does that mean?"

Chase looks up at him and smiles. A haunted smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "It means that they wouldn't hurt Sammie as long as I do what they ask."

Gabriel stares at him. "And what did they ask, Chase?"

They stare at one another. Gabriel dreads the answer. For some reason, without having to hear Chase's answer, he knows. It's the reason Chase is here at the hospital in the first place, talking to Gabriel.

"You," Chase says tonelessly.

Prepared as he was for his answer, Gabriel can't help but feel sucker punched. He stares at the person who said that he loves him, the person he thought is nothing like Lucas, but turns out to be the same. They all want something from him. Chase came to the hospital to bring him to Gordon. The man who had raped and beaten him almost to death. Gabriel still wore the scars and marks of what the man did to him on his skin for all to see. For Chase to see. And yet, here he is. Gabriel's heart feels like it had been dug out of his chest, stomp and trampled on before it is shoved back in, bruised and bleeding.

He knows there is nothing Chase loves more in the world than Sam. If what he'd told Gabriel last night was any indication. Chase would do anything, anything for Sam. He knows. But it still hurts. Because Chase had said he loves him too. But he guesses, it's not enough. Gabriel is never enough. Resigned, he asks, "You're here to take me to them, aren't you?"

Chase's face twists. He looks conflicted, chewing the inside of his cheek, his eyes brimming with tears. "I was. But I can't do it." Gabriel looks up at that. Chase is shaking his head, tears falling down his cheek. "I mean, look at you, Gabe. You've been through enough. What kind of monster would that make me if I sent you back to the person who did that." Chase gestures wildly at Gabriel "I can't... I can't see you hurt again. I just-" Chase looks away, a sort of helplessness settles over his face as he runs his hands through his hair, wiping them down over his tired face. "I don't know what to do, Gabe. Tell me what to do."

Gabriel is silent. Then, he takes both of Chase's hands into his, blue eyes staring into Chase's dull green ones. He feels a profound sadness at the hopelessness in Chase's eyes. "Chase, you saved me. If it's not for you, I'll probably be dead. You saved my life, Chase. In more ways than one. I'll come with you." Gabriel is scared but he has never been more sure in his life. He wants to do this for Chase. And not just Chase, but Sam who is innocent in all this. "It's my fault Sam got taken anyway. Gordon wants me," he says. "I'm sorry for getting you mixed up in this mess. It was never my intention, Chase. I'm so sorry."

"No!" Chase says fiercely. "No, it's not your fault. If any, it's my fault!" Gabriel tilts his head in confusion. "Gordon is crazy."

"Tell me about it."

"I mean like he's really psycho! Ramsay told him about Lucas. About how he's out for his blood. And Gordon, he- He's not afraid at all like he was pumped by the idea or something. There's this glow in his eyes and the way he's going, I think he's going to kill Lucas. On top of that, I saw fucking drugs, loads of them. I can't believe I almost became a drug mule. Fuck! You've seen his eyes right? Gordon? He's high as a fucking kite. And he took Sammie, Gabe! That fucker got Sammie and I-"

"Stop, Chase. You have to calm down." Chase stops abruptly. Gabriel tilts his head, frowning hard as he tries to catch up with what Chase's saying. Finally, he ends up saying, "What?" All he could get from Chase's outburst was Gordon. Lucas. Kill. And Crowley? Drugs? Fear creeps into his heart. "Wait. Gordon wants to kill Lucas?" His heart races. Even though Lucas had manipulated his feelings, abuses him, Gabriel never wanted him dead. Or any harm to come to him for that matter. "Why? How? And what does this all have to do with me?"

Chase averts his gaze. "That might have been my fault. See, he didn't ask for you at first. He just wanted to know everything about Lucas. So I told him. I told him about the home, what he did and then he asked about you. Something about what I said must have made him think that you're important. Important enough that Lucas will come and get you if you're in trouble."

"He wants me to lure Lucas?" Gabriel asks in disbelief. "That's- What? Lucas doesn't care about me. I'm just his toy. Something he'll play with when he's bored. He wouldn't come and get me if it meant risking his own life." Gabriel is perplexed. This is nonsense.

"I told him that! But Gordon was adamant. He really believes Lucas will come and save you or some shit. Fuck. We're so screwed." Chase buries his face in his palms and lets out a muffled scream. Gabriel understands his frustration. The whole situation is absurd and in every scenario, their chances of survival are minimal at best. Chase looks up at Gabriel. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess."

"Don't apologize, Chase. This all started with me." Chase looks like he's about to protest but Gabriel cuts him off. "Why don't you start at the beginning? How is Ramsay involved? And more importantly, how did Gordon know about Sam?"

So Chase starts explaining. He tells Gabriel all about his meeting with Ramsay, the exchange and how it turned out to be Gordon he's meeting. Gabriel's heart quickens as Chase describes how he had fought the man but was overpowered. When Chase reaches the part about Sam, his voice falters and Gabriel reaches a hand out to console him. His grief soon turns to anger as he rages about a person named Hellhound. The name is unfamiliar to Gabriel too and they're both stumped as who this person might be. When he's done, Chase slumps back in his chair, exhausted. It's a lot to take in but the part about Ramsay isn't surprising. He always thought the man was a creep.

"I saw the video, Gabe," Chase says suddenly, voice barely above a whisper.

Confused, he frowns. "What video?"

"Gordon had videos of the assault." Gabriel freezes as he remembers the flashing light, the mobile phones in his face. He sucks in a breath, body stiff. "It was horrible," Chase rasps out. "I can't believe I actually came here to take you back to them. These bastards raped you! What's wrong with me?" Chase pushes out of his chair, sending it screeching across the floor. He walks toward the end of the bed, his back facing Gabriel, head in hands.

"Chase," he starts.

"No, Gabe. You don't know." Chase shakes his head. "I came in here with the intention to trick you. I devised a whole ploy in my head on the way over. I even brought regular clothes with me," he yells as he gestures at the backpack on the floor. "I'm an asshole, and you shouldn't have to deal with this. I'll figure another way out to save Sam." Chase takes a step forward and reaches for the backpack.

Gabriel grabs hold of his arms. "There's no other way, and you know it. If you go back to them without me, you'll know they'll do what they promised they would."

Chase starts to shake, still not looking at Gabriel. "You don't get it, do you Gabe?" He fixes Gabriel with furious green eyes. "I would have fooled you and sent you back to Gordon so they can use you against Lucas. Someone you loved! And who knows what they're going to do to you while they're at it huh? Maybe they'll rape you again. Maybe this time, they'll kill you. And that's what will happen because you trust me. You idiot son of a bitch, you trust me." He breaks down then. "You fucking trust me."

"Yes, Chase. I trust you," Gabriel says calmly. Chase stares at him with wild eyes. "You could do all that. But you didn't. You told me the truth. And that is why I trust you."


"And I want to help."

"But how is it fair of me to ask that of you? It's not. You shouldn't have to deal with my problems."

"You said you love me last night. Do you mean that?"

"Of course."

"Well, I love you too. And I mean that. Your problems are my problems. I can't stand seeing you like this, Chase. And if I can help, I will." Before Chase can interrupt again, he adds. "Sam is a great kid. And I care about him too. I don't want to see him in danger anymore than you do, Chase. So please, let me help."

"But Gabe, it's too much. I can't accept this."

"You can and you will. You don't have a choice in this. I'm coming."

"You know, there's a high chance they won't be letting any of us go, right? So you'll just be sacrificing yourself for nothing."

"I know. And I won't be doing this for nothing. I'll be doing it for the slim chance it might help. Because I'm not going to sit by and watch the people I love die. Or worse. Now, help me up, Chase or so help me God."

Chase bites the inside of his cheek, his face red as he tries to stop the tears from falling. "How are you real?"

"Pinch me, and I'll hurt. I don't know how I'm real except that apparently my parents decided to have unprotected sex whereby my mom got inseminated with my dad's sperm-"

"Oh god, Gabe stop!" Chase says, closing his hands over his ears. "Jesus!" Then, he laughs a soft rumble but a laugh nonetheless. "You're impossible," he says, shaking his head fondly.

Gabriel smiles. "You like it."

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

They stare at each other for a moment before Gabriel sobers. "Alright. How are we getting out again?"

Chase hesitates for a moment but at Gabriel's stern glare, he fumbles around with his backpack and pulls out a pair of jeans and a bright yellow shirt. The shirt has a bee on the front with a talk bubble that reads, 'I'm your buzz-friend!'. Gabriel raises an eyebrow at it. "Classy."

Chase blushes. "It's not like there's a lot of choices at Walmart," he mumbles.

"So, am I your buzz-friend?" Gabriel asks once he unties the hospital gown and tosses it aside. He takes the shirt from Chase who's studiously looking anywhere but him, his face a dark shade of red. He pulls the shirt over his head.

"Not if I can help it," Chase mumbles.

"What's that? I couldn't hear you." He smirks up at Chase, making grabby hands for the jeans. Chase tosses them at him, the item hitting him squarely in the face, laughing at the startled sound he made. Gabriel scowls but soon joins in, his low rumble adding to Chase's higher note. Putting on the jeans is hard work considering how limited his movement is. Gabriel hissed as he pulled on a sore muscle. Chase is on him right away, his hands gentle as he helps Gabriel into his jeans. He lifts his hips as Chase pulls the jeans up, blushing the entire time as he tries not to look at his junk.

"You're my boyfriend, not my buzz-friend," he mutters again as he helps Gabriel button up his jeans. "I thought we established that last night," he pouts. Gabriel smiles. Chase is adorable.

"Yes, dear. We did." He lifts a hand up and cups Chase's cheek. "Can you give your boyfriend a kiss now?" Chase rolls his eyes in a way that Gabriel knows is fond and leans down. Their lips brush before they deepen the kiss, Gabriel coaxing a moan out of Chase.

When they part, he takes a deep breath. "Alright, time to test if my legs will support me." Chase helps him shuffles to the edge of the bed. At the count of three, Gabriel pushes off and lands on his feet. He stumbles a little, legs weak from not having moved for hours. Chase's grip is steady on his arm. "Are you ok?" he asks. Gabriel nods. Straightening up, he takes a step. Then, another. He lets out a sigh of relief. "Well, at least it seems like I can walk," he says.

As they slowly approach the door, Gabriel stops. He turns to Chase. "Maybe we should leave a note. Just in case. If I go missing, the hospital is going to call Lucas. We can warn him. Tell him what happened. At least then, he can plan ahead." He pauses for a bit before continuing, "He might or might not come, Chase. I can't promise he cares for me enough to."

"If he wants to establish his dominance, he might. Gordon basically throws him an open challenge. If he doesn't respond, it would make him seem like he's scared. He will lose respect fast and people won't be afraid of him anymore. I'm not an expert but that can't be good for business."

He nods, can't help but agrees with Chase. The Lucas he knows doesn't run, he fights. He's dangerous and he's cunning. There's still a chance they might come out of this alive. He watches as Chase slips a note underneath his pillow. He returns to Gabriel's side and slips his arm around him, steadying him as they head out the door.

If Gabriel is going to be dramatic about it, it feels a little like they're heading to their doom. He casts one last look at the room behind him. Safety. Is he doing the right thing? Leaving with Chase? As he steps outside into the corridor, his heart beats up a storm. He's really doing this. He must be insane. But then he turns his head to the side and sees Chase's face. Chase looks up at him and gives him a small smile. The corner of his lips curls up. He thinks, as they hobble to the elevator, that although it might seem like a suicide mission, it's okay.


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