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Warning for offscreen sexual assault.

Rereading those two simple words, Lucas crunches up the paper in his hands and throws it across the room. Walker knew he was coming. He had set up the video and left his message as a taunt. To mock him. To dare him to come and get him. It's a direct challenge. How did he know Lucas was coming? How did he even know about Lucas in the first place? Someone must have warned him.

Fucking Ramsay. The Brit is getting to be a real pain in the ass.

The sound of the men jeering and whooping blast from the tv. Lucas whips around and rips the thumb drive out from the side of the tv screen. The room falls into silence as the video cuts off. Turning around, Lucas surveys the room. He takes in the messy bed, the wet rag and the puddle of sick. He knew Ramsay sent someone else in Hellhound's place, and it seems like it hadn't gone well. Crouching down, he picks up the cut open tie-rips on the floor. Whoever it was, he or she was bound.

He stands up when he hears muffled footsteps behind him. Michael is walking towards him, holding a fluffy white towel. "It's still wet. And it's still moist in the bathroom. We just missed him." He drops the towel on the bed and scans the room. "We should check the security cameras, see if any of them catches Walker leaving." He pauses, looking at Lucas. "Do you think he's alone? According to Gabriel, he had four men with him."

Lucas shakes his head. "I don't know. This is a single room but his men might be spread out throughout the motel." Showing Michael the tie-rip in his hand, he adds. "Whoever Ramsay sent, Walker has them." They both share a meaningful look. Michael's eyes flick towards the tv, expression dreaded and pensive, and Lucas doesn't need to be a mind reader to tell what's going on in his head. Whoever that person is, he or she has no idea what they have gotten themselves into.

Voice low and serious, Lucas voices out the elephant in the room. "He knew we were coming. He knew about me, Michael. He knows my name." He gestures towards the tv. "Walker is taunting me. He wants me to come after him. You know the type. Narcissistic. Borderline personality disorder. Add drugs to the mix and we've got a full-blown psychopath on our hands. He's already got something planned next. And we have no idea what." The situation has turned a complete 180°. "I have a bad feeling about this, Michael. I don't like it one bit."

Michael nods, his face grave. "First thing first, you can't go back to the home." Lucas opens his mouth to argue, but Michael cuts him short. "Walker knows who you are. He knows where you live. No, it's safer to stay away first. For you and the kids. Our saving grace is that he doesn't know about me. Yet." Michael takes out his mobile phone. "We need to stick together from now on. And we need a new place to stay. Gordon may have a plan, but we need to keep ourselves unpredictable."

Lucas nods, watching as Michael lifts the mobile to his ear. "Who are you calling?"

"A friend of mine who owes me a favor. I'm going to get a place to stay."

"Alright. I'll go and check the security tapes in the meantime. Meet me back at the car in 15 minutes?" he suggests. Michael nods.

Lucas gives the room one last perusal. He still has the thumb drive in his hands, gripped tight between his fingers. They will need this to help identify the other men. A dreaded feeling settles in his guts. His episode shocked him. It's been awhile since he last had them. The video had caught him by surprise and maybe that's why it had triggered him. Nonetheless, the prospect of watching it again is daunting. He slips the thumb drive into his jacket pocket and exits the room.

On the way down to the reception, Lucas remains cautious. Just because Walker isn't in his room anymore, doesn't mean he's not in the building. Still hyper aware of his surroundings, he approaches Alfie. The boy seems surprised to see him again. "Is the heater not working again, sir?"

Lucas just passes over the mobile phone in his hand. He had called Zael on his way down the elevator, explaining the situation and what he needed. Zael was more than willing to help out, sharing the same sentiment as Lucas about Walker. Also, he doesn't want Walker to attract more attention than he could handle. The last thing he needs is for the Feds to be involved. He's trying to keep this as low key as possible and is in accordance with Lucas's plan to silence him. Out of the public eye, silent and unobtrusive.

Alfie stares at the phone in confusion. At Lucas's nod, he takes it, careful not to accidentally swipe or touch the screen that is currently opened on Facetime. Zael's ugly mug is staring out of it. Alfie's eyes widen in surprise as he recognizes the man on the screen which is not all that surprising considering the number of times Zael had appeared on the local news and papers. He is somewhat of a local celebrity.

"Sir?" he asks.

"Who am I speaking with?" Zael asks.

"The name is Alfie Young, sir," Alfie answers respectfully.

"Good. Alfie, I need you to listen very carefully. I'm going to need you to show the man-" Here, Alfie glances up at Lucas, who gives him smiles and a small wave of his hand. "-all the security footage you have and to give your full cooperation as if the man himself is an officer of the law. Can you do that, Alfie?"

Alfie nods then shakes his head. "Umm, sir. I would love to give the police my full cooperation but-" Alfie looks uncomfortable, pulling at the collar of his shirt. "Uhh... the cameras around the building don't work. They're fake. It's more towards prevention, you know. It gives the false impression of security. You see my dad; he's the motel owner. With business the way it is, we can't afford it. The only one that is working is the one here." Alfie directs the phone at the camera in the corner right above him. Looking back at the phone, he adds, "I can show the footage for this camera."

"Do that. And do whatever the man says." Alfie nods furiously. "Thank you, Alfie. We appreciate your help. The city thanks you." Alfie smiles widely, his small chest puffing out just the little bit at that. A moment later, Zael ends the call.

Alfie hands the phone back to Lucas. "So, what you said earlier, about the hot water. That's a lie, wasn't it?" Lucas smirks. Alfie's blue eyes dawn with comprehension and his mouth forms a small 'O' before he reverts to his professional demeanor again. Clearing his throat, he nods towards the door behind him that says 'Employees Only.' "We'll need to go to my dad's office," he says, holding a hand out to lead the way. "If you don't mind my asking, did something happen? Maybe I saw or heard something," he says as they enter the hallway.

Thinking there's no harm in asking Lucas questions. "Do you remember renting a room to a big black man? It should have been sometime yesterday evening."

"A big black man..." Alfie scrunches up his face, thinking hard. "Oh, you mean, Gordon Walker? He's a guest here. He checked in last night around eleven." He stops in front of a door, turning to look at Lucas. "Why? Did he do something? I wouldn't be surprised if he did. That man has a nasty temper. He stayed here before." He shudders. "I'll never forget that night."

"Why? What happened?"

"The last time he was here, he checked in with a prostitute. Well at least that's what I think she was, you know mini skirt, fishnet, low top and too much eyeliner. Late that night, I received at least five calls complaining about the screams. I mean, I know what this is," he says motioning at their surroundings. "There's no point in sugarcoating it or trying to market it differently. 90% of our clients come here to have sex. The walls are pretty thin, but people don't often call to complain. But not that night."

"So I went up to see what the deal was. When I reached his floor, I almost had a heart attack. The girl was screaming like a banshee. The hair on my hands literally stood up," Alfie emphasizes, bringing up his arms and gesturing to the fine hairs there. "My hands were shaking so bad it took me three tries before I unlocked the door." He shivers, turning back to the door and fishing out a set of keys from his pants pocket. As he unlocks it and pushes it open, he adds. "What I saw inside... It still gives me nightmares."

Alfie enters the room and flips on the light. "What did you see?" Lucas asks, curious. He wants to know what kind of monster he's dealing with. This isn't just about Gabriel anymore. The man is a threat to him now too. And of course, there's Michael. He's hunting Walker and whatever they can glean from the man would only help. Alfie didn't answer him, walking towards the desk and leaning down in front of the computer. He types something in and stands back, finally meeting Lucas's eye. His boyish face is grim and sad.

"The girl was tied to the bed, spread eagle. Mr. Walker wasn't there anymore, and so were his things. The poor girl's wrist and ankles were scraped raw. Her face was bruised beyond recognition; she can't even open her eyes. She lost three of her teeth," Alfie shudders, rubbing his arms as he continues. "She's naked, and there were all kinds of... 'things' on her. She's bleeding, and she peed herself. The bed was drenched with it. It was horrible."

"There's a wad of $50 bills poking out from her vagina. And-" Alfie has turned a pasty white, and he looks nauseated as he says, voice just above a whisper. "Mr. Walker stuffed a bottle of whiskey; the one we provide in the mini fridge, in her ass. And not the part where you drink from either." He swallows. "She was all torn up and crying; I don't even know where to touch her where she wouldn't hurt. I ended up calling 911."

"Why hadn't the police heard of this?" By 'police' he means Zael. It surprises him that violence of this level escaped his attention.

Alfie shrugs. "Maybe Mr. Walker threatened her? I don't know, but she ended up not pressing charges. Said it was all consensual between two consenting adults and that she didn't know her limits. I think she just doesn't want to get into trouble with the police. Plus, that looked like a lot of money in her. Who knows? That was a few months ago, though. Three months maybe? Haven't seen him since. Not until yesterday. I should have expected this. Did someone get hurt?" Alfie asks. He looks guilty.

"We don't know yet. But we think he got someone with him. That's why we need to watch the footage." Lucas walks overs to the computer, feeling disturbed. Walker is obviously deranged. The amount of violence he's capable of and the fact that he does it for the hell of it. Without any reasoning, rationale or objective behind it. He takes pleasure from the tortures he inflicts. It leaves him cold.

In his line of business, Lucas had faced a variety of personalities. From the sadist to the power crazy. He had experienced first hand what it was like to be at the mercy of such people. The things Andreas did to him, it's a miracle he isn't more broken. But even people like Andreas couldn't hold a candle to Walker. Andreas acted out of vengeance. There was a purpose behind this form of torture. But Walker, it's a whole different ball game.

Alfie motions towards the computer screen in front of him. "Here is today's footage." Lucas pulls out a chair and sits, pushing himself closer to the table and grabs hold of the mouse. "You said Walker checked in around 11 pm. Was he alone or did he have company?"

Alfie is quiet for a moment while Lucas scrolls through the videos. It seems like the motel keeps a week worth of footage before throwing them out. When Alfie speaks, his voice is nearer, almost in his right ear. Lucas startles, flicking his eyes to Alfie's face that's peeking over his shoulder. "No, sir. He wasn't alone. He came in with a group of about 4-5 men. Here, I can show you." He taps Lucas's hand, and when Lucas lets go of the mouse, Alfie takes control of it and clicks on one of the videos on the screen.

The video pops up and Alfie fast forwards it until the timestamp in the corner says 10:45 pm. Then he steps back. Lucas watches the screen. The footage covers the back of the counter where he sees Alfie sitting and a faraway shot of the entrance. The reception area is empty at the moment but about 5 minutes later, a group enters. He recognizes Walker immediately, walking towards the counter. They all seem heavy footed like they've been out drinking and partying.

He plucks the thumb drive from his pocket and sticks it in the USB port. There's no sound coming from the computer. He turns up the volume on the video but still nothing. "Why is there no sound?" he asks. The men are talking. He wants to hear what's being said.

"Oh, um. The sounds system doesn't work anymore on this computer. Sorry about that," Alfie explains sounding sheepish.

Okay, not ideal but no matter. Lucas minimizes the video and drags the file into the thumb drive's folder. They can watch it on Michael's laptop later. When the group of men exits the screen, all with keys to their own room, he looks up from the screen and says, "I will need to see all their rooms as well." Alfie nods. "I'll give you the keys to them." Satisfied, Lucas returns his attention to the computer.

He clicks open the footage for today. If he's right about the exchange happening during his visit to the school, then his timeline of interest should be around 10:45 am to- He glances at his watch. 12:03 pm. He fast forward the video and slows it down when the time stamp reads 10:40. Keeping his eyes trained on the entrance, he waits. The person who Ramsay sent to Walker should be coming in through the door anytime soon. He assumes the person would be a teenager.

The quality of the video is poor and pixelated, but he's still able to make out the person who enters the building. At approximately 10:53 am, a boy around 6ft and blonde hair walks in. His whole body language screams of unease and agitation. He looks around the area nervously before he goes in the direction of the elevator. The boy has a briefcase with him. And Lucas knows who he is. That's Chase Reed. Ramsay sent Chase to Walker, the motherfucker.

Lucas hits the fast forward button again and waits for them to come down. There's no sign of life in the area for the next 50 minutes except for Alfie until he sees Michael and himself entering the building. He freezes. But he hadn't seen Walker exiting the motel. How is that possible? There's only one elevator so they couldn't have left without them seeing. The hair on his arms stands. They couldn't still be in the building, could they? An icy dread pierces deep into his bones. Of course, they could! They have plenty of rooms to go to! They'd only checked Walker's room. How fucking stupid can they be? Fuck.


He's about to leap out of the chair but just manages to calm himself down enough to ask. "Is there another way someone could leave the motel without going through the entrance?"

"Actually, yes. There's the backdoor that comes out into the back alley behind the building. Sometimes, our customers would use it when they don't want to be seen," Alfie supplies. Before Lucas even asks, he adds. "We don't have a camera there, I'm sorry," he grimaces.

Lucas pulls the thumb drive out and stuffs it in his pocket, standing up. "Alright, now get me the keys to the other room," he demands, pulling out his mobile phone and dialing Michael's number as they go. He hopes Walker is really gone and not hiding in one of his men's rooms. He had left Michael alone. What if- He doesn't want to think about it. His heart beats at a rapid pace, worried and tense. A cold sweat starts to break out on his back and forehead. Cmon, answer the goddamn phone!

The calling tone goes on and on until- click. It connects.


Gabriel blinks awake, feeling a little groggy. He had fallen asleep after Lucas left. Talking about what happened drained him. He was a raw shivering mess by the time he was done. Throughout it all, Lucas had been kind and understanding, soothing him, his eyes concerned and furious at the same time. Furious, not at him, Gabriel can tell but at the men who did this to him. He was grateful for it but at that moment, he ached for Chase and his warmth.

A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. He can't believe Chase had sneaked into the hospital last night to see him. He even made up this whole elaborate ruse too. Gabriel huffs a laugh, feeling his heart warms at the thought. No one had ever gone so far out of their way for him before. And waking up to Chase, that's something he could get used to. Waking up to bright green eyes, freckled face and full soft lip. That he could kiss whenever he wants to. Because they're a couple now.

The smile grows, and he has to curb his excitement. This would be his first real relationship. Gabriel has an actual boyfriend now. With someone as kind and good as Chase Reed, who had cared enough to shed tears for him, felt for him enough to feel his pain and make it his own. That is something Gabriel is not used to having. All his life, he had only known loneliness and solitary. And in recent times, violence.

At school, he's known as the weird, awkward kid that no one pays attention to. That changed drastically however when he’d been outed. The person he had a crush on tricked him. And he ended up as the school’s laughing stock for months.

Someone penciled his name in the boy’s toilet door. For free BJs contact Gabriel Ward. There’s a crude drawing accompanying the message. Once the news got out, it spread like wildfire. He had been the school's punching bag ever since.

His home life wasn't much different minus the hostility. Mostly, it was just him and his books. Reading had always been his out. At least, when he reads, he wouldn't be too aware of the silence surrounding him. The lack of attention, love, and affection. Sometimes, it feels like he's living in an empty house.

So he read and fantasized. Maybe it's not a very boyish thing to do, but he dreamt of one day having someone by his side when he reads. Someone who would touch his hands or play with his hair unconsciously. They don't have to talk, but their presence speaks a thousand words.

He was so deprived of human touch; one that doesn't threaten bodily harm on him that when he met Lucas, Gabriel had thought he was the answer to everything. But it turns out, Lucas is just another form of hell. A more painful one. Because Gabriel had loved him. And he honestly believed Lucas felt the same. Even when he sold him out, he convinced himself it's just a different form of love. And he craved it. Whatever little affection Lucas decided to throw his way, Gabriel gobbled it up, starved.

He had always lived a lonely life. Never known or experienced any differently. To be honest, he's terrified. Part of him is scared that what he feels for Chase or what they have aren't real. That it's another illusion, another trick. He doesn't trust himself to see things for what they are anymore. What if he's lying to himself again? What if he's so broken from what happened yesterday that he clings to the next thing he sees? What if he's some kind of parasite that needs to latch onto something to live because he can't do it by himself? No matter how toxic the relationship is, he'll endure because that's what he is?

He shakes his head, ridding himself of these depressing thoughts. He can't think like this. If he goes down this path, he thinks he might kill himself. And he doesn't want to. He wants to live. He wants to find love and grow old together. He wants a big family, to have children and grandchildren. He wants to go to his grave smiling because he had lived a long full life with no regrets. He wants all those things, and he won't get them if he continues in this line of thinking. So he shakes them off and closes his eyes.

Chase is different. He's a good man. He's not using Gabriel. Chase's not gaining anything by being his boyfriend except his love and affections. He had not made any demands or requests of him apart from his steadfast belief that Gabriel's good. He wanted Gabriel to see himself the way Chase does, to not be afraid to stand up for himself. Gabriel is still having a hard time digesting that but the funny thing is, Chase believes in him. Even when he is such a mess, Chase trusts him. And he loves him. And that in itself is a miracle. He should hold on to that.

Gabriel opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling, feeling lighter. He doesn't know what he did to deserve Chase, but he's glad for his presence in his life. There's a dopey smile on his face when someone knocks on the door. He glances towards it, hopeful. Chase did say he's going to visit him today. But it isn't Chase at the entrance.

Instead, it's Anna. She's standing by the open door, a nervous smile on her face. "May I come in?" she asks. The room Gabriel is occupying is empty except for him; his roommate having left the hospital early this morning. He nods and tries to sit up, wincing as the small movement causes his ribs to scream in protest. Anna is by his side in an instant, her hands on his arms as she helps him adjust to the new position. Once settled, he smiles up at Anna.

"Thank you, Anna," he says, grateful for her company albeit a little surprise. "How did you know I'm here?"

"Lucas. But he didn't tell me what happened." Anna's eyes roam over him, widening in horror as she takes in the ugly bruises covering his body. They have turned a dark blue color, almost purplish. In a softer voice, she asks, "How are you feeling?" She takes a seat in the chair by his bed.

"Better," he answers. It's the truth. He does feel better. He is still in pain but he's healing. He's alive with no permanent damage and for that he's grateful. When Anna doesn't look convinced, he adds, "It looks worse than it actually is." Then, to lighten the mood up, he changes track. "How did you get here?"

"By bus. Lucas gave me money for groceries. There were some left, and I was worried. I have to come and see you. You know, just to be sure you didn't die on us or anything. Plus, I thought you might appreciate the company," Anna says with a broad smile. "Also, someone needs to bring you your homework. You don't get to slack off just because you're in the hospital. So, are you up for it?" Anna asks, cocking one eyebrow up.

Gabriel appreciates Anna's attempt at making this seem casual. But he knows. He knows what a big gesture this is but he plays along because if he doesn't, he thinks he might cry. So he laughs. "And here I was expecting flowers or maybe a fruit basket but no, you brought me homework," he jokes back, giving Anna a warm smile. Then, more sincerely he says, "Thank you, Anna.

Anna just waves him off and bends down to fumble in her bag, pulling out a notebook. Gabriel wriggles up the bed, sitting straighter.

"Don't mention it," Anna smiles back, bright and sweet as she hands over her notebook. "These are my notes from today's lesson and the homework we're supposed to do. If you need help understanding my notes, I don't mind staying. We could do our homework together. I only need to be back in like an hour. I wouldn't mind accompanying you until then. If you like, I could drop by every day until you're discharged." As she talks, Anna pulls out more books and spreads them open around Gabriel's bed, careful to avoid his injuries. Gabriel huffs as he watches Anna, amused.

"I would love to, but unfortunately, my books aren't here."

Anna looks up at him, a cunning expression on her face. "What? Did you think I came all the way here to geek out with you without actually bringing you your things?" She smirks, holding up a bag. Gabriel blinks.

"Wow, Anna! I don't know what to say but thank you!" As he makes a grab for his bag, he pulls a sore muscle causing him to hiss in pain. Anna holds up a hand to stop him. "Alright, Romeo. You take it slow. Let me do all the work, okay? Now, lie back," she shushes Gabriel, ignoring his protests before proceeding to pull books out of his bag. Instead of passing them to him though, she grabs a pillow from the other bed, lays it on his lap and props his hardcover notebook on top of it.

Gabriel looks up at Anna, feeling touched; an overwhelming rush of gratitude threatens to drown him. He can't help it. Averting his gaze, he looks down at the book in his lap, eyes stinging with tears. Anna's thoughtfulness surprises him, her actions careful and deliberate so as to not cause him more pain. Like his well being is at the forefront of her mind. After months of being treated like an object, the feeling is so alien, Gabriel feels slightly off kilter, unsure of what to do with this sudden consideration. He's conflicted.

His first instinct is to feel unworthy. He knows Anna is being kind but the concept of that attentiveness being directed at him makes him feel uneasy. It feels odd to have someone be nice to him, and he wrings his hands in agitation, feeling his restlessness mounts. Anna rambles on about something or other their English teacher did that day as she continues to pile books on his bed, oblivious to his inner turmoil. He needs to do something. A favor maybe? Something to repay Anna for her kindness. Yes, that's it, he thinks as he finds himself blurting, "Hey, Anna?"

"Hm?" Anna stops mid-sentence and looks up.

Gabriel swallows the lump in his throat and plows on, speaking fast. "When I get better, I promise I will try to take on as many clients as I can. If there's anything I can do for you at all, just let me know. I'll take the bench again if I have to. I know clients are still coming in and with me stuck in the hospital, they're all going to you and the others-" he breaks off, shocked. "They're all going to you and the others," he repeats as if realizing it for the first time.

"Because of me. Because I was stupid enough to get assaulted. I'm so sorry, Anna. And Tess. Chase. You all don't deserve this and I-" he babbles, tearing freely now, guilt consuming him as the reality of the situation sinks in. He doesn't deserve Anna's kindness at all. Why is Anna even here? She should be hating him right now.

Anna waves her hands in front of his face, demanding his attention. When he finally looks up, he's taken aback by Anna's anger; her face pale and angry, eyes blazing. "Gabriel, if you're not already so banged up, I'll shake your stupid self-sacrificing body so hard you see stars," she hisses.

"What the fuck? You think that's what I care about? Gabriel, I'm offended. I came here because I wanted to see you!" Gabriel opens his mouth to argue, but Anna doesn't let him. "Just because my opinion of you changed after you took my place on the bench doesn't mean that I expect that of you again, Gabriel. What you did for me, it shows the kind of person you are, and that is a person I would like to be friends with. I'm treating you like I would treat any friend of mine because I thought we were friends. You're not buying my friendship with sexual favors. I'm insulted if you think that," Anna finishes sadly.

Gabriel thinks he's going to burst into tears, his face feels hot and red. He's fucking this up, isn't he? He finally got himself a friend, and he had to go and fucked it all up because he had been insecure, unwilling to accept the possibility that Anna wanted to be his friend because of him, nothing else. But who can blame him for thinking otherwise when everyone he came into contact with all wanted something from him?

His father wanted his obedience to be the perfect son. Who would only take time from work to talk to him when he got As for his subjects. Or at a parent-teacher meeting when his teacher would praise him, and his father would beam at him, proud. And Lucas, who wanted his submission, to be his bargaining chip. Who would only touch him when he's fucking him and only seemed happy when Gabriel does what he's told. So who could blame him for thinking Anna would be the same? Except she's not. And he screwed up.

Tears streamed down his face. He knows he must be a pathetic sight, eyes puffy and swollen from crying. His nose and cheeks are flushed red. He has to look away, can't watch the quiet disappointment coloring Anna's features. "I'm sorry," he whispers. Soft fingers tilt his chin up, forcing him to face its owner. Anna is watching him with wide, sad eyes. "We're friend, right?" she asks, voice soft.

Gabriel's heart clenches painfully as more tears spill out. He nods, unable to make his voice work. Anna smiles then, "Then stop crying, you baby." She fumbles in her bag again, bringing out a packet of tissue. Anna pulls one out and hands it to Gabriel who takes it, staring at her, unable to believe his good fortune. He croaks out a laugh. He must look ridiculous, half-laughing, half-crying, but that's exactly how he feels.

"Oh gawd," he says as he wipes the tears away. "I muz look disgusting rite now. I'm zorry." He blows his nose. Anna laughs, settling back into her chair; book propped up on her thighs. Gabriel blows his nose a few more times and throws all the snot-filled tissues into the trash can beside his bed, grimacing. Then, feeling sheepish but much better, he meets Anna's eye. "Would you be so kind as to update me on our lessons today?" he asks. Anna beams, her beautiful face lights up.

"Of course," she says, all formal and prima as she scoots her chair closer to his bed. He opens the front cover of his notebook and turns the pages until he reaches a blank one. Anna starts to explain what was being covered today and Gabriel listens, a smile on his face as he watches the avid expression on his friend's face. He has never been more glad that this fiery hair girl had fumbled and stumbled her way into his life. This girl who appears fragile but is strong despite everything, with an aged look in her eyes that says she'd seen too much but in that moment, she's flawless.

As they browse through Anna's note together, working on their homework, he feels less alone in the world. Like maybe he finally found a place he belongs. In a group home which is not a group home at all, with a friend who is not your typical high schooler and a boyfriend who wants him to believe in himself. It's not perfect. It's weird, but it's okay. Because no matter how low he'd sunk, he had people around him who cared. People like Chase and Sam. Anna. His new family. It's small, but Gabriel couldn't be happier.


"Chase! Chase!"

Someone is calling his name, and as much as he wants to answer he couldn't lift his head. His body feels weak, his brain foggy, his mouth dry. He coughs; a throaty sound. His throat feels raw, dry and parched. Chase tries to swallow what little saliva he can gather. Not enough. He winces as the barely-there moisture dries halfway down his inflamed windpipe, scraping the inside raw.

It's painful, and he stops immediately. His head feels heavy, and the person is still screaming his name. He tries moving his fingers. They feel numb so are his toes. He keeps breathing, preparing himself. Then he opens his eyes. It's difficult. His eyelids feel heavy, and he may or may not be sweating. He could feel beads of sweat trickling down his face, clinging to his eyelashes.

"Chase! Please wake up. Chase!"

His eyes snapped open. He recognizes that voice. His vision is blurry, and he's looking down at his jeans-clad thighs. His t-shirt is clinging to his back; sweat soaked. He blinks and his vision clears. Mostly. He tries to move but finds that he couldn't. His brain is working too slow for him to grasp why. He groans; a small pathetic sound that echoes through the room. Huh.

He flicks his eyes to the side, taking in the black surroundings. It would seem like he's sitting under a spotlight of some sort because two meters away from him on all sides, it's dark. Just pitch black lasting forever. It could be the reason he's sweating so much. Now that he's aware of it, he can feel the scorching beam of the light on his neck. He keeps his breathing steady and flicks his eyes up.

There's a pair of shoes in front of him. Huh, small feet. A child's feet. He frowns when he notices that said feet are tied to the front two legs of a chair. Why would anyone tie a child up? An itch tickles his throat, and he starts coughing, a harsh continuous stream. It feels like he's trying to hack up a lung. Jesus. He's wheezing by the end of it. He really needs to drink; he's so thirsty. Licking his chapped lips, he tastes blood where it had split.

He feels terrible. His head is spinning, the lights hurt. His insides feel like they're burning. He gasps, breathes shallow and whistling. Desperation clings to him and he really doesn't want to be alive right now. He can't take this. His body starts to shake, despair settling in. Please... He needs. Someone. Something. Anything. Panting like a crazed man, he forcibly lifts his head enough to stare at the person sitting opposite him. His world stops. Chase must be hallucinating because this can't be. He blinks, trying to get rid of the sweat clinging to his lashes and stares. He's still there. No, please.

"Sammie?" His voice comes out a broken whisper.

"Chase!" Sam cries. He's sitting in the chair opposite him, arms tied behind his back. His face is red and tear-stained. Sam had been crying. The sight spurs him into action. Chase jerks in his chair, pulling at the tie-rips binding him. His first instinct is to get to Sam. It doesn't matter that he's dehydrated, that his body feels like it's on fire. He struggles, grunting and puffing as the chair jerks in its place. Blood starts to seep down his wrists where the tie-rips cut into them.

"Chase, stop! You're hurting yourself." But Chase doesn't care, he keeps trashing. "Chase, please. You're bleeding... I'm scared," Sam says in a small voice, sobbing, breaking his sentences. It's only then that Chase stops. He stares up helplessly at his little brother, who's crying again. Dammit, Chase. "I'm scared..." Sam sobs.

"Hey, hey!" Chase tries, catching Sam's eyes. "Hey buddy, it's going to be alright, okay? I'm here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Sam keeps crying. "Do you trust me, Sammie?" he asks. With tears streaking down Sam's puffy cheeks, he nods, drawing his bottom lip in and gnaws. "Then trust me when I say we're going to be fine. I'll get us out of here, okay buddy?"

He waits for Sam to nod again before he turns his head to look around, taking in his surroundings. If he's not mistaken, they are sitting in a large empty room if the echos are anything to go by. Chase can't see further than where the spotlight is shining, which is right at them. He looks to the ground. It's cement.

Breathing hard, he asks, "Sammie, how did you get here?"

"We finished school. I- I was walking to the school bus with Amelia. Then, a man came up to us. Asked Amelia if she had seen his dog. He had pictures and everything. Amelia loves dogs, and she was sad that he's missing so she helped him search. I told her not to follow strangers, but she's afraid for the dog. What if he gets run over by a car? So she went with him. I stayed, Chase. Like you told me too. But- but..." Sam's lip trembles even as he tries hard not to cry.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, buddy. You did good. You listened. Whatever happens, just tell me okay?" He uses his soothing voice, although it lacks the effect he wanted because of how croaky it is, cracking in places. It seems to work though because Sam swallows and puts on his big boy face.

"Someone grabs me from behind. I screamed and kicked at him, but he was so big! He carried me to his van. The windows were so black you can't even see inside. He threw me in and locked the door. There was another man inside. He- he tied me up. It hurts..." Sam closes in on himself, his eyes darting down before they meet Chase's again. "They drove for a while and then the man carried me out to this huge building and then I saw you, Chase! You're already here; all tied up and you're not answering! I thought-" Shakily, he says, "I thought you left me like Mom did."

Chase's heart breaks. "Sammie, I promised I'll never leave you, remember? And do you know me to break my promises?" he asks. Sam shakes his head. "Okay, good. Remember that." He pauses, looking around some more but seeing nothing, he asks, "Can you describe the men for me?"

Sam's eyes widened. "I'll try. The one who grabbed me was a blonde. He has like brownish eyes. And the other one, inside the car, he's black. And he has these scary eyes. They are both huge, Chase. Like really big. The man in the car told me things. But I don't understand. He just kept mentioning your name. And Gabe's too!" Sam's eyes widen in terror. "Did he get Gabe too?!"

Chase's heart hammers at the mention of Gabriel. There's no way Gordon could have gotten his hands on him. He's at the hospital where it's safe. "Gabe's fine, Sammy. He is with people who will protect him. He's safe." But then again, he had thought Sam was safe and looked at what happened. Maybe Gordon did got his hands on Gabriel and is now-

He doesn't want to think about it. It's the panic talking, Chase. Just stay calm and keep your head. What did Dad always teach him? Stay sharp and alert. If you see an opportunity, escape. And do not, for whatever reason, do what the kidnapper says. They'll just kill you after. He glances at Sam. They will realize soon enough that Sam's missing. He just needs to stall until help arrives. Okay, he can do this and they'll be o- His heart stops as the unmistakable sound of footsteps echoes in the distance.

"Chase, do you hear that?" Sam whispers, scared.

"Shhhh," he hushes. He pricks his ear, trying to determine where the footsteps are coming from when a bright light streams into the room, blinding him for a second. Someone is standing at the door. The daylight throws his outline in sharp contrast, casting his face in shadows. Whoever it is closes the door and the light vanishes even as the footsteps draw louder, gloomy and foreboding. Chase squints into the darkness and before long, he could see the shadow of a body walking towards them. Gordon steps into the light, smiling.

"Chase! You're up! And I see you've met my present for you," he smiles wider, white teeth shining.

"What do you want?" Chase yells desperately even though it's more of a rasp than an actual shout.

"I need you to do something for me," Gordon says, shrugging.

"Fuck you," Chase spits.

Gordon laughs. A loud, cold sound. "If you don't do this, Chase. I think it's fuck Sammie here." Chase's blood runs cold. He glares at Gordon then glances at Sam, who's shaking in his chair but still has his tough face on. He's trying so hard to be brave for Chase. To face down the bad guys with his big brother. Them against the world. Always. Chase feels his resolve breaks. He can't let anything happen to Sam. He's too young. Something like that could leave a permanent scar, and it would be his fault. I'm sorry, Dad.

Clenching his jaw, he glares up at Gordon. Gordon cocks an eyebrow. "Well?" he asks.

Unwilling to give up without a fight, he asks, "How the hell did you know about Sam? Who told you?" If he survives this, the bastard is going to pay. He suspects Ramsay. He's the only one who knew and the last time he heard the man, he'd been talking to Gordon. But Chase needs to be sure.

"I don't think you're in any position to make any demands, Chase. But I'm feeling charitable today. So I will tell you. His name is Hellhound."

"What the hell kind of name is that? And don't lie to me, Gordon. You can just tell me it's Ramsay. That son of a bitch doesn't care about loyalty."

"If it's Ramsay I would say it's Ramsay. But it's not. I have no incentive to lie to you," Gordon lifts his shoulders up. Chase glares at him, mind whirring. Who the hell is Hellhound? And how does he know about Sam? Or Chase for that matter? Who else knows about them? What the hell is going on? "If it helps, I'm quite sure Hellhound isn't his real name. But that's what he goes by in the business. It's not my fault that you don't know him," he adds. "Now, back to business. Are you in or are you out, Chase? And believe me, there's a right answer." Chase stubbornly remains silent, but he averts his eyes.

"I thought so," Gordon sneers, triumphantly.


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