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Glacial blue eyes flashes. The sound of a gunshot rings in the still air. And then he is falling. It feels like he is falling a long time before he hits the surface.

Cold sharp pain blooms all over his body. Like thousand needles pricking into him all at once. Sharp and relentless. He couldn't breathe. His body is screaming in agony as he is dragged further down into darkness. Water floods his lungs, and every breath feels like he's swallowing fire. Every inhale and exhale burn. The last thought that flits through his mind before his body goes numb and he loses consciousness is that this must be what hellfire feels like.

Lucas snaps his eyes open. He is sprawled on his back in bed, cold sweat covering his naked skin. As stares up at the ceiling, cold blue eyes bright in the morning light, his face is calm and serene. All in all, he looks peaceful. The rapid rise and fall of his chest are the only indication that he is anything but.


Gabriel startles awake when he feels a body draped over his back. He gasps when two fingers shove their way into him, his body jerking away instinctively from the intrusion. He's stopped from moving too far when a hand grabs him by the hips and the full weight of the body on top of him presses down, restraining him. A hand fists themselves into his hair and pulls hard, snapping his head up at a painful angle. Unable to comprehend what's happening, he starts to panic.

"Wha-?" Gabriel's eyes dart around wildly before he catches sight of Lucas. The man is nosing at his nape, eyes closed. A terrified whine escapes his throat as he realizes what this is. The silent fury. The eerie stillness. The closed off expression. He had seen this before and the last time this happened, he ended up traumatized. Fear courses through him and he starts to tremble.

"Lucas, please..." he tries even though he knows nothing he says is going to go through to Lucas when he is like this. Reliving whatever memories he has stuck in his head. The hatred and loathing is palpable in the way he forces himself on Gabriel.

Gabriel bites his lips when he feels Lucas's cock nudging between his ass cheeks in search of his hole. His eyes begin to water, and he struggles under Lucas's heavier build, but there's no give. He's trapped. "No, Lucas, please!" he sobs out.

Completely silent, Lucas lets go of his hair and slides his hand down to his chest, holding him tight against him. His cock nudges once, twice around his entrance before it catches. Then in one hard thrust, he shoves in, forcing Gabriel to muffle his screams into the pillow. Without giving him time to adjust to his girth, Lucas starts a fast pace, his breathing heavy in Gabriel's ear. He grips his pillow tight and holds on as Lucas slams into him. Tears leak onto the sheets as he tries to stifle his cries.


Gabriel's head snaps up. Chase is standing in his doorway looking as pale as a ghost. In a matter of seconds, he's in the room reaching out to pull Lucas off him. Sensing his approach, Lucas growls low in his throat as his grip tightens. Gabriel doesn't know where he summoned the strength from, but he manages to shake his head at Chase, warning him to stay back. Chase halts, looking confused and concerned. But when Gabriel winces in pain at a particularly hard thrust, he darts forward.

"Go away!" he bites out.

Chase freezes.

"Go, Chase. Please..." he chokes as Lucas's thrusts become frantic, pounding hard into him from behind. The headboard slams into the wall as the bed squeaks in protest. "GO!"

Chase crumbles in on himself. He swallows before taking a step backwards, eyes never leaving Gabriel's face. When he reaches the door, he pauses, jaws twitching as he clenches his teeth. For a moment, Gabriel thought he's just going to stand there, but then he turns around and walks back down the hallway, his footsteps growing softer until they fade away.

Gabriel lets his head fall. He doesn't want Chase to get into trouble for his sake. Especially not with Lucas. Chase has got enough on his plate. He doesn't need to shoulder Gabriel's problems too. It's just a little fucking, albeit one that feels very much like rape, but nothing he couldn't handle. He muffles another cries of pain as Lucas pulls out and thrusts back in, pushing himself up onto his hands. He repeats the movement, his eyes burning on where he shoves himself into Gabriel.

Grabbing him by his hips, Lucas pulls him up onto his knees before mounting him again. It hurts but all he can do is grit his teeth and wait it out, desperately hoping that Lucas would finish soon even when he knows that wishful thinking. When he gets like this, cold fury simmering underneath his calm exterior, Lucas doesn't fuck to come. He fucks like it's his mission. Like it's something he has to do. If Gabriel didn't know better, he would say Lucas is acting possessive. Every hard punishing thrust is like a claim. A warning.

Gabriel leans on his arms as he struggles to keep his position. Lucas grabs his hair and shoves his head down so that his back arches obscenely and fucks some more before pulling out. He rips the condom off, leaning down as he furiously jerks his cock over Gabriel's ass. Hot semen stripes his skin, seeping into his abused hole. There's no moan, groan or even a sigh to signify his orgasm.

Then comes the part that hurts the worst. Lucas leaves without saying a word. Not even a backward glance or any form of acknowledgement. Gabriel is used to the feeling. To be used and thrown aside, but when it's Lucas, the hurt cuts deeper. He doesn't know why he still cares.


Gabriel pushes himself up slowly, a grimace on his face. Grabbing the towel that was still lying on the floor, he wraps it around his hips, deciding that a hot shower would help him feel human again. He limps into the hallway and makes his way to the communal shower when he hears voices. .

"That's right buddy, I'm watching you. Make those pearly white shines, I don't want you getting cavities. Getting drilled is no fun, trust me." The voice is somewhat distorted, and he finds out why when he reaches the doorway. Chase is eying Sam, toothbrush in his mouth. They're both standing in front of the sink.

Chase notices his presence from the mirror. His face shuts down and deliberately looks away. Bending over, he gurgles and spits, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when he's done. Feeling snubbed, Gabriel shifts his gaze and finds them locked on Sam's who is staring at him through the mirror. He gives Sam a small smile. The boy waves back. Chase straightens up and places his toothbrush in the holder by the sink.

"Hello Chase," he greets in a low rumble, voice rough from trying to suppress his screams earlier. Chase gives a curt nod, not looking at him. He sighs.

"Chase, about Luc-," He spares a glance at Sam before continuing, "About what happened earlier, I didn't mean to shout at you. I didn't want you to get into trouble," he explains, eyes pleading.

Chase turns around, eyes wide and furious. "Gabe, I don't give a damn if I get into trouble! He was hurting you!"

Sam spits into the sink and says, "Chase, you said a bad word!"

"Sorry, bud," Chase apologizes, making a zip motion over his lips. When Sam's preoccupied with washing his toothbrush and gurgling his mouth, Chase returns his gaze. He leans back against the porcelain sink, eyes tired and exhausted.

"You were hurt, Gabe. And I can't just stand by and do nothing about it. I just can't," he continues, his voice soft. "It feels wrong."

"Chase, you can't save everyone. Though you try." He limps into the room, and Chase is on his feet in an instance, rushing over to Gabriel to help him. He huffs. "And I thought chivalry is dead."

Chase blushes. He watches in amusement as the blush spreads across Chase's cheek to burn at the tip of his ears. Without thinking, he lifts a hand and flicks the reddened ear, earning a small yelp from the green eyed boy. When Chase looks up at him with wide eyes, he feels his own face flushed red.

"What's that for?"

He shrugs, looking down. "Your ears were red. And I umm... I don't know why I did that," he finishes lamely, giving Chase a sheepish look. Chase stares for a moment before a smile works its way onto his face, green eyes twinkling.

"Chase," Sam whines as he tugs on Chase's jeans. "Can I go and read now?"

"Yeah yeah." Chase kneels down, so he is eye level with Sam. "Is it the one Ms. Rosen asked you to finish this weekend? What was it called? Charlotte something..."

"Charlotte's Web! I'm almost finished!"

"Good. Have you done all your homework?"

"Yep!" Sam says proudly. "Can I go now? I want to know if Fern managed to save Wilbur!"

"Alright alright, go," Chase says, smacking Sam's ass as he runs out of the communal shower, whooping. "Nerd," Chase huffs, expression fond.

Gabriel feels a tug in his chest at the soft look on Chase's face. "You're a good brother."

Chase startles and rubs a hand behind his neck, embarrassed. Then his expression turns sad, and he drops his hand. "I'm not really. I tried, but sometimes I feel like it's not enough." He huffs. "I'm too stubborn for my own good. He nearly lost me, you know? And for what? Because I didn't want to play by the rules. If I die, he's going to be all alone. In this hell hole." Chase shakes his head angrily. "What kind of brother would I be then? A fucking lousy one."

Gabriel is confused. Is Chase blaming himself for what happened with Alastair? For standing up for himself? That's ridiculous. The home, the prostitution, the beating and raping are not Chase's fault. In fact, if Chase wants to blame someone, he should blame it on him. But before he could say anything, Chase takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders.

"Ah, what do you care about my problems right? We all lived here. Hell, you've been here three months, am I right?" When he nods, Chase makes a 'There you go' gesture before continuing. "You've been living this crap for three months, and here I am whining to you of all people." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Gabe."

"Chase, please don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for." Gabriel looks away, guilty. The person who should be sorry is him. He should say so, tell Chase but his courage fails him. He's a coward. Swallowing hard, he nods towards one of the shower stalls. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Oh! Okay. Umm, I'll leave you to it." Chase turns around, exiting the room with a small wave of his hand. Feeling weary, Gabriel walks towards the last stall. As he's hanging his towel on the hook by the shower's door, Chase stumbles back in. "Hey, Gabe? Oh." When he looks up at the entrance, he sees Chase's head peeking around the corner, red as a tomato, his eyes looking everywhere but at Gabriel.

"You're naked," Chase states.

Gabriel can't help it, he laughs. "Chase, it's not like you haven't seen me naked before. And after last night..." He lets his voice trails off as memories of their time last night returns with a vengeance. Suddenly, the room feels a little too warm, stifling. And he feels an odd need to cover himself.

"Yeah well," Chase's still deliberately not looking at him, eyes flicking in the vicinity around Gabriel before settling on a spot on the floor a few feet in front of him. He clears his throat before continuing. "Um, about last night, I just want to say that I'm really sorry. I hope you can find it in you to somehow forgive me for what I did. I didn't have a choice, and I know that's a shit excuse but I-"

"Chase," Gabriel stops him before he can ramble further. "It's okay. I consented."

Chase is still shaking his head, "That's dubious at best and that doesn't make it right, I-"

"Chase, really. It's okay. If you're determined to apologize then I should too. You didn't consent to that."

"Yeah but I'm the one who-" Chase makes a vague gesture with his hands to which Gabriel gives him an unimpressed look.

"It doesn't matter who penetrates who." Chase grimaces at Gabriel's phrasing. "Nonconsensual sex is still nonconsensual. But just so you know, you made it feel like- you made it feel good. I'm sorry, that crosses the line and I've made you uncomfortable," he rushes to continue, face red.

Chase is staring up at him, eyes wide. "Really?" he whispers. Gabriel tilts his head, not understanding. "That- it felt good?"

His face feels warm as he nods. Chase breaks out into a slow smile. It's like watching the sun rise. The smile starts at the corner of his mouth before reaching his eyes, making them sparkle as crinkles begin to form at the corners. His breaths hitch. Chase is beautiful. The sort of beauty that radiates warmth and gentleness. How had he never noticed it before?

"Is it wrong of me to say that I enjoyed it too?" Chase asked softly.

Smiling, he shakes his head, "I'm glad."

"Me too."

They stare at each other, both with a stupid smile on their face. He doesn't know how long he'd been standing there naked, having this impromptu staring contest with Chase when the sound of a rumbling stomach draws both their attention back to the present. Chase blushes. He does that a lot. Gabriel wonders if he's the reason for Chase's sudden shyness. He secretly hopes so.

"Hah... That reminds me. I was going to ask if you would umm... if you like, maybe we could have lunch together after you showered?" Chase blurts. He says the last part fast like he is afraid he is going to lose his nerve if he doesn't. "Maybe hang out a little?" His eyes look hopeful as he continues. "I would like to get to know you, Gabe."

Heat prickles his eyes. He swallows, trying hard not to choke up. He must be more pathetic than he realizes to get so emotional because... What? Because someone wants to spend time with him? To do something normal people do like eating and talking instead of come in, fucks and leaves. It's only been three months, but he has already forgotten what it feels like to be treated with common courtesy.

"I'd like that," Gabriel says, voice wobbly, smiling at Chase from under his lashes. "I'd like to know you too, Chase."

Chase grins wide, vibrating in place. "Awesome. Just come and get me when you're done. I'll be in my room."

He nods and then Chase is gone. He steps into the stall and turns on the showers, turning his face up towards the spray. The warm water beat down onto his head and body. As he reaches for the body wash, he realizes he's smiling. Even the throbbing pain between his ass cheek couldn't dim the lightness in his heart one bit.


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