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Awww Drew.. What's up? Dun cry UWU




He’s so cute there, though. 🥰


Cute, but isn't he just a little OLD to be wearing that 'costume'?.......Some people have COMFORT Food, Drew has COMFORT clothes....hehehhe....>^^<....... As "Linus" has his security blanket, Drew has his 'security' Onesie......cheer up.......communicate with Angel, if not in person, you are as CLOSE as the internet......find out how SHE feels, and 'work something out"........are these Christmas Bells i hear, or Christmas Wedding Bells? What does Drew's dad have to contribute to the situation?......He knows all about love and loss....just sayin'.


OUCH!........It may be sayng TOO much about what people wear in public and WHY!.......Why people wear 'Furry" costumes and meet up for ALL kinds of reasons? How do you tell your Dry Cleaners how to get *cough cough* "Stains" out of the INSIDE of your Onesie?.........XD XD XD.......LOL......HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAH........>^^<