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I made a new online store! Hahaha I wanted to announce this at the start of Oct, yesterday but haha things happen XD now I can announce it! I hope you all like the store and the things that I will make from now on <3 a little branding doesn't hurt hehe <3

Enjoy your Halloween shopping! <3




I love how you made this mini segment to share your new store. Others would've just written a post but I think the way you delivered the news with the comic is just awesome! And CONGRATS on such a cute baby boy!


I got my mug! Great quality! And LOL when you think you’re getting something tame but ash and bane say think again 😂 💙💙💙

sakurada yana

Hahaha I like making Nerd do livestreams XD for announcement and stuff XD and thank you! Still getting used to the hecticness XD