2020-09-17 08:24:03
Long story short- the baby is here!^^ ❤❤❤ I went into labor on Monday night XD As I expected, the cramps I had the entir day means something. Water broke at 12am XD and after 21 hours of labor, the baby boy is finally here, born sept15, 9pm ^^ ❤❤❤ we had a natural birth so we're able to go home the next day ^^ it was quite the harrowing experience (baby schoulder got stuck halfway out oof) and the bf had to cry after the delivery uwu ❤❤❤ it's really a blessing that everything went well ❤❤❤ mother and child are healthy and will be spending some recovery and quality time together 😍😍😍 i will check back with you all when I can!