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Hehehe September month is going to be autumn themed! I know Punk is winning in the postcard race XD don't worry! We finally have some Angel X Drew merch!! <3 

Also I have made some changes to the Patreon goal! I know I said I'll make a Zine when I reach $10k and I have reached it a long time ago but because there's a lot of illustrations to be made for it, it's taking a long time and I feel bad for not giving anything so I've edited the $10k goal! We will have MWR cast throw pillow! I have the design in mind already and I'm going to make proof copies so you all can see how it will looks like! ^^ Excited? XD

I push the Zine goal to $15k which I also met XD so don't worry, the Zine is still coming! Just gotta work on the illustrations! XD I'm also buying Zines from other artists so I can get inspirations and see how it's done quality wise <3 I hope you all will like it too when it's finished! <3

PS: Only pledge Tier20 in Sept if you want these stickers! If you pledge now in Aug, you will get the babies stickers! <3



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