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Hahha Tapas team gave up XD we keep crashing the site so they made it with google XD So now, you all can do the quiz with NO problems at all and you don't have to keep repeating it when you get it wrong ^^ As apology, I also include a download link for the high res download for the illustration at the end! XD So enjoy!!


My Weird Roommate Trivia Quiz

Read the comic and test your knowledge! You'll get a prize at the end if you get all questions correct :D


Martin marigomen

it only took me 10 times to finfish this


I just took the quiz...I like the prize, but I was curious about my accuracy, so I pushed view accuracy button and it said I got them all right, but at the very end it had a dying whale noise picture...does that mean I got something wrong? It says I answered them all right though 😓 I knew one run through was too good to be true...lol

sakurada yana

Oh! Was there an accuracy thingy? Didnt realized there was but if you went through all the way without having to repeat a question to the prize then you got it right the first try! ❤❤❤