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I just want to say that I'm really lucky to have you all as my patrons. When I posted that refund post, so many of you got angry on my behalf or tried to encourage me and all, it makes me feel so touched. Thank you. You all are seriously the best.

But I want to give credit where credit is due. I love drawing but it has always been a hobby. I draw for fun, I create story for fun because I like it but I was never this passionate about it that I can stay focus and keep drawing. And the reason why is because of the passionate responses you have all given me. Don't ever underestimate you reactions, comments or likes you give me when I update. They really cheer me on and makes me want to pump out more contents and keep going with the story. They inspire me so much, the story just run it course in my brain XD

You all mentioned that I give out lots of content, but that's because I felt the urge to update and keep telling the story because you all are excited to read more and continue the journey with me so thank yourself! XD

The reason why I decided to refund is not that selfless but more towards self preservation. I'm a creator not a business person. If I am a store owner, I can be mad at the customer and not give a refund and move on. But as a creator, if I get mad at a person, not give a refund, that will stay with me for a while. And while that stays, I probably can't create.

My ability to create really depends on my emotions XD And you all have been feeding so well hahaha and I really don't want anything to tarnish it. It's a waste. The only probable reason when I can't update is probably real life issues, or that I got depressed after watching anime or reading a manga XD 

Also, the reason why I can deal well with a person like that is because you all have given me so much positive reinforcement that I'm confident enough to stand up to them, brush it aside and not let them get to me. So to be honest, you all help in getting me this far and being the way I am <3 Take credit for it! Hehehe funny, feels like you all are getting to know me more and more uwu <3 

ps: Patreon support got back to me. If someone were block, both their ID and card are blocked from said creator's platform. So it is a good thing but it's a pretty permanent thing. I hope I never have to block anyone again and if I do and it's not for bad stuff like this (cause I'll always let you know if I'm going to block you and why), feel free to contact me via social media so I can unblock you! ^^


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