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Hi all, I just got this message from a patron. This is the first time I receive a message like that hence I wasn't sure what to do or reacted so I just do what that person wants. Since it's the first case. But I do want to mention that, once you pledge and get access to the content (that is what you're buying). if it's not your liking, you can unpledge but what you already paid to get that access is a sunken cost. I will not be refunding for reasons like this after this one. 

I do however, made refunds before for medical purposes, accidental pledging at the start of the month (up to 3 days you ask for it and I will refund you ^^). You all need money too and I don't want to be responsible of withholding it from you if you can give me a valid reason ^^

So yeah, I will always refund if needed be, and I'm making it public for what reason haha! You all support me because you want me to keep drawing so that's what I'm going to base this on and I will always trust you when you come to me with reasons for refunds <3

Hope you all understand why I wouldn't take reasons like this as a valid refund request from now on uwu!



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