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Wow!!! I can't believe we hit this number so quickly!! I know I promised that I would do a MWR: Slice of Life zine but I didn't think we'd hit this number so fast XD It's quite a long project  since I wanted to do 48 pages and I got to draw them all XD  and I also want to included some nice stuff with it ^^ so instead of it being a $9k goal, is it okay if I change it to the $10k goal? I had a sweet $10k goal reward in mind since it's such a huge milestone but due to unforeseen circumstances, I don't think I'll be able to do what I had planned for you all.

I do think the Zine one would be appropriate. It'll be like an epilogue type ZINE thing, a collectible for MWR series ^^  it will include illustrations for all our MWR characters doing their normal thingy, some domestic, some smexy hehe and also some of Nerd's fanarts so we might have some fandom art inside as well! I also plan to include maybe a poster type illustration with it with the whole gang ^^ as well as bookmarks! I hope you'll like the idea.

So instead of the Zine at $9k goal, I'll make MWR beanies!! XD Is that okay? ^^ Or if you all have any other merch you would like, just let me know I'll add them to the poll! Soft toy is a little hard since I can't find a good manufacturer yet but feel free to let me know anyway so i can put them on the poll, and if enough of you want it, I'll see if I can make it happen! ^^

Hehehe but despite the rewards, I just would like to thank you all for your constant and overwhelming support! You allow me the peace of mind to just focus on making comics and keep improving myself and my art! I really hope I'll be able to keep doing what I'm doing and have new and better works in the future for you all!! ^^ Thank you so much for making the goal with me!! <3 <3 <3


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