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Hehehe this is the first truly nsfw illustration of these boys XD hehhe lotsa teasing ones but now that their relationship has progress, the sexiness will increase as well!! ^^




Nerd has the "know how" when it comes to situations, but because he is a loner, with little or no experiences, is "selectively" social, he may have some difficulty in translating knowledge to application of WHAT he knows, what "things" are for, how to use them, where they go, and finding a "willing" participant........he was willing to learn from ASH, but ASH isn't a "teacher".


Yippee!! I’m sooo here for their sexiness!!😏😏😆❤️😍😜

sakurada yana

Hajahaha what Nerd needs is a guinea pig n guess who fits the bill? 😏😏😏😗😗😗

sakurada yana

Theyre sexy no matter what role theyre in 😂😂😂 makes it hard to decide 😂😂😂