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Omg I didn't think I would be able to reach this goal hahahaha! Since it has been dangling there like a carrot for ages XD going up and down XD But WE DID IT!!! Thank you so much for staying with me for this long!! Like really, it's been a long time and you are all still here! I hope you'll keep enjoying the story I create and that it's still fresh and nice to read for you all.

I've been working on MWR for so long now, especially since it's now my focus and have been updating it a lot. I feel like, maybe it's been going on for too long? If that happens, please do tell me okay? ^^ Of course, MWR is a slice of life, maybe I feel like it's going on too long cause we're very much in the plot episodes? Maybe it will feel better when we go back to daily slice of life <3 Hehehe!

Anyway, next month we will have BL Story updates again! I can't wait to draw them! It'll be Riku arc this time. It'll be a nice change of pace for me as well, to draw something with angst and a different feel XD it keeps me fresh! <3

Which leads me to an idea, if it's okay with you all. With Tier 10, we have two smuts: MWR and BL Story. Is it okay if I scrap BL Story now since it's more like extra smutty bonuses? And instead use the time for it to work on These Scars We Hide (the revamp version) So basically, TSHW will update on Tier2 (it will be colored and will be like 10-15 pages depending on the storyline per month) Since now nsfw are having so much trouble on public platform, I will work on it the same way I do MWR (it won't be like an abrupt cut where the sex scene is concern but more like a fade in and out so the people on Tier10 won't feel like they're missing out). The part with the sex are on Tier10. But unlike MWR, whether there's smut depends on the plot (but whenever there's nsfw, it'll be on Tier10). So it's not a monthly thing, BUT- there will definitely be pages drawn per month. (ps: TSHW won't be available to public until like maybe far far into the future, so it'll currently be a patreon only comic)

Is this change okay for you all in Tier 10? I'll put up a poll in a bit ^^

AND of course now that we met this goal, I will make MWR buttons! It will include ALL the characters so 7 buttons in total <3 Look forward to it! Hehehe!


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