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Finally after making the last adjustment and double checking everything, the books are now ready for sales!!! YAY!! You can buy them here! We will have the special promo until Monday and then the prices will go back to their normal prices! <3 I hope you'll like what I've prepared for you all and that you'll love the new formatting in the books. The colored pages looks great and if you have bought BL Story before, the print quality is also good <3

Thank you so much for supporting me with this! I wouldn't have come this far if you all hadn't been here pushing and supporting me to take this step! Thank you so much! I hope you'll like the books! <3




Go Punk with that gratuitous boob shot at the end to pimp Nerd's book! Got me to buy!


Done !! And I just received some merch in my mailbox so I'm very very happy <3