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The book came already omg it's so fast! I just send them in last Saturday!!! And they look good!! Only of course I was so blurred last weekend cause of the cover that I screwed up book 1 cover XD the title arent in purple and I forgot the series number on the side XD I went and fixed it up already and I order it again but I've check everything inside and they are all good! So I can safely say the books will be up for sales this weekend!!

I will put a link on Patreon and you'll get a promotion price if you buy it in the first 48hrs! I can't do a bundle set cause they site doesn't allow me to so what I'm going to do is lower the price per book for the first 48hours! Instead of $20 per book, it will be now $18 per book for the first 48 hours! So be ready for it!! ^^

I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE THEM!! I myself is totally psych!!! Hahahahahah! I hope you all don't mind too much that I can't send these books to you myself and that you're getting them straight from the printer but I don't think I can handle all the shipment and postal stuff while working on the comic and patreon rewards >.< I really hope that's okay with you all <3




I want but too bad the tier says sold out


Are you getting more?