[BOOKS] Formatting kills... (Patreon)
Just a little update! ^^
I spent the whole day just doing formatting and paneling and I'm vomiting blood XD I sooooo wanted to finish Book 1 today but it's not possible. I finish up to Ep15: Exercise (a total of 76 pages) and I'm already dying hahaha! It's very mind numbing XD But I want to do it in one shot, cause the more tedious it is, if you don't stop, your process goes faster. And if you stop, and have to start again, you forget all the steps and have to start up again and it goes slow XD
But! I'm almost done with Book 1 which will ends at Ep20: Together ^^
I'm going to continue this until mid Wednesday then I'll work on MWR next ep ^^ And then Thurs and Fri ^^ Tier10 smut heheh! Wish me luck!