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OHMYGODDDDD I woke up this morning and I MET $2K!!! How is that possible?! UwU I remember that time when I just started drawing webtoon and saw creators with $2k and I'm like how? What sorcery did you do? Hahahahahah and now I'm here! Thank you so much! It was no sorcery but just the awesomeness of readers who help us achieve our dreams of being able to draw and earn!! I'm so blessed! Thank you so much! You don't know how much it means to me to be able to do this. For an introvert, every time I have to step out of the house to do adult stuff or meet people, it feels like I'm lugging a stone around lmao XD And now it's easier, cause I can recharge longer and more at home before I need to go out and adult XD So thank you so much for making this possible! ^^

And of course, for supporting my stories and characters! I'm so happy you all love them as much as I do <3 I will continue to work hard and create more stories for you all to enjoy!^^

As thanks, I'll make a MWR mug on Redbubble as merch and I will use one mug as a lucky draw for Tier10 and above patrons! This will happen in the month of February so stay tune! <3



Congratulations Yana! I’m so happy you can do things that make you and us happy 😃 You tell stories that evoke the whole range of emotions. 🤗😘💕💜

sakurada yana

A whole range of emotions WOW WHAT PAISE UWU! Thank you! HAHAAHA I'm glad I can do that ^^ <3 I hope I'll have that power for a long time XD


Congrats creator-sama! We love your characters 😍😍😍