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Okay! So you all picked drunk sex last time and this is what happens XD Also, you can see that I'm introducing something new with the ending heheh! So starting next month we will be doing "Let's Play Ryukei Pornstar AU" ^^ You get to choose what you want happen. Don't worry, both situation/routes will lead to sexy time, but 'what type' of sexy times are quite different depending on your choices hahaha! Next week, I will post up the poll so you can votes which route you would like to see. Once I published the next smutty comic, I will tell you what you will get if you choose the other route hahaha XD I hope you all like this new thing! I think it'll be fun to have audience engagement on what happen in these smutty stuff hahaha!

PS: Which panels do you think is smuttier or hotter? The black and white? Or the colored ones? I kinda like black and white hahha but I know colors is nice too. I'm unsure hahahah!



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