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Okay I actually did a livestream the last hour hahaah! But I didn't announce it cause I was testing the audio and when it work I kinda got caught up in drawing so.. but you can rewatch the video here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/319548009 

I stop halfway cause I reached a nsfw panel and want to screentone it. I'll come back in 5 min! The audio works now! So I can talk to you all ^^ Just that it takes me a while to look at your chatbox hahah!



I’m so sad I missed the stream ;-; I cri

sakurada yana

Hahha next time!! I'll be doing it more frequently now that I know how to do it! And I'll record my streams and upload it on youtube (private links) so patrons can rewatch them if they want!!^^ cant wait for you to join me next time!!