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There will be three parts about this character's past along with small lore sections, which explain how she became the villain of the story. Some of this drawings will be used in the final cómic.

Ember Medaw was a skilled warrior, daughter of King Xarcus Medaw. Princess of a primitive civilization located on the planet Kaumir. The Medaw were a tribe in tune with nature, who distanced themselves from the Galactic Republic of Aveat centuries ago, as they considered that the technological revolution that brought with it a catastrophic war had corrupted the essence of their ancestors. So they decided to start from scratch to avoid making the same mistakes. Being aware that the excessive greed of previous generations was what led to their ruin, they decided to flee, where they could have a simple life, as far as possible from their origin. They found a welcoming planet at the edge of their solar system, in a remote section of space known as “the void.” The first Medaw were made up of a group of wise political idealists, who during their first decades in Kaumir dedicated themselves to building a utopian society. By unanimous decision a council appointed King Oron, whose goodness and intellect were unequaled. For a long period the Medaws looked after only the common good, with an ideology based on the preservation of peace and the enjoyment of simple pleasures, where private property did not exist and the population rotated jobs among themselves cyclically, from agriculture, to construction and livestock. They had no ambitions to conquer or expand their territory, they distributed all their resources equitably and the main form of entertainment was art and philosophy. They were a culture that obtained great scientific knowledge, however their people did not make use of them, as they limited ancient technology and discoveries to indispensable uses such as medicine or sewage systems. If it was necessary to occupy other uninhabited land to survive, they did so briefly and vacated the site when it was no longer necessary. The planet's fauna was hostile, with gigantic and wild reptiles, so they inevitably had to designate groups of warriors to fight for the safety of its inhabitants. There were two hundred years of absolute tranquility. However, after those couple of centuries a small group of miners found in the depths of the planet a creature that had never seen the light before, an evil being, an interdimentiontal threat self-named Mordium.




This is so gooood🤯

Michi has wares

Embrace them, don't resist ~w~