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Chapter 78: Stablehand’s Dream

Gwen grunted as she heaved the last of the bales of hay into the corner.

“You okay?” One of the other stablehands asked.

“Yeah, just a little tired,” Gwen wiped the sweat from her brow.

“Well, good job. That was the last of the weekly shipment.”

“Perfect,” Gwen smiled in relief.

Being a stablehand was far more strenuous than she had ever imagined. Still, she wouldn’t have it any other way. Gwen wasn’t an aristocrat, but she wasn’t a commoner either. Her family belonged to the middle-class and lived in the bourge district.

Her father was a merchant who sold spices for a living. Despite being humans her family had done very well for themselves, they even had contracts with a trade caravan. Still, the family wasn’t very wealthy. Well, not wealthy enough to buy Gwen her own centaur that is.

She was the 5th child and a woman at that. Her father saw no need to spend money on buying her a steed, even if it was her dream. Nonetheless, Gwen wouldn’t give up, she wanted to have her own centaur since she was a little girl, and nothing was going to stop her.

As soon as she was old enough she went out looking for a job. As a woman there weren’t many jobs available, but thanks to her father’s connections she managed to land the perfect job in the scholar district. Being a stablehand gave her the chance to work with centaurs up close. It may not have been as glamorous as she was led to imagine, but she was at least able to interact with centaurs on a daily basis.

The stable she worked at belonged to a lavish apartment building. The stables were new and the pay was good. Gwen had nothing to complain about. One day she would save up enough money to buy her very own centaur. It wouldn’t be a purebred or a pedigreed centaur, but it would be hers, and that would be enough.

She could already imagine what it would be like riding through the streets, the wind splashing by in a torrent of speed. Just the thought was glorious. Maybe she could prove to be a very capable rider and get endorsed to ride in the Crimson Tracks of Murkton. She’d then have her very own racing centaur, or maybe even a show horse.

Gwen sighed, as if she’d ever get a chance to get that close to such expensive centaurs. The best she could hope for was to buy a spot in the stands and watch a race or a show from afar.

“Why do you look so bummed out, Gwen?” An orc stable hand asked. “We’re done with the heavy lifting and most of the apartment’s tenants are gone for the summer. Even the ones who stayed are out in the city right now, as are their centaurs. Which means we have the rest of the afternoon off.” The orc did a little jig.

Another human stablehand shook her head, “Idiot. Gwen works here because she likes centaurs. If it was up to her she’d spend all day with them.”

The orc laughed, “Ah, I forgot. Well, anyway, we’re going on a break to get some lunch. There’s a nice tavern right outside the Scholar District. Wanna join us?”

“Nah, go on without me. I brought my own lunch,” Gwen shook her head.

“Suit yourself,” the orc shrugged.

The other stablehands left, leaving Gwen by herself in the large stable. She went to her nearby satchel and pulled out a loaf of bread and some cheese. She found a comfy bale of hay to sit on and began to eat her simple lunch. It was nice having a bit of solitude and quiet once in a while.

The sounds of hooves clattering on stone echoed nearby. Gwen looked up in time to see the most gorgeous centaur trot down the sidewalk. The centaur gained speed as she drew close. Right as she was about to smash into the stable, with one swift burst of energy, she leaped above the stable doors and landed with the most graceful of steps.

Gwen’s bread slipped out of her hand as she stared slack-jawed.

“And this is just a taste of what I can do,” the centaur said proudly.

“Which part of ‘almost falling off’ do you not understand?” A goblin complained from the saddle.

“But, I went slow this entire trip. I only accelerated at the very last moment to jump over the gate. Do you have any idea how difficult that is?” The centaur turned her head to talk to her rider.

“Does it matter? You were supposed to go slow,” the goblin shook his head and hopped off.

“Uh, h-hello,” Gwen couldn’t keep her eyes off the magnificent centaur. She had never seen the rider or steed before.

“Hello, I am Stryg of Ebon Hollow.  I live in room 305,” he showed her his room key. “Are you one of the stable workers?”

“Ah, yes, I am Gwen, a stablehand here,” she nodded repeatedly.

“Well, I just bought Rhian today. I’m told this is where I’m supposed to bring her?”

“That’s correct, sir. My co-workers went out for lunch, but they’ll be back shortly. I’ll personally take care of all your steed’s needs. I won’t rest until she is comfortable,” Gwen said eagerly.

Rhian looked around, “This place isn’t bad. Not amazing, either. But, I like her enthusiasm.”

Gwen cleared her throat, “If I may be so bold as to ask, what sort of centaur is she?”

“The annoying kind,” Stryg tried taking off the saddle.

“He just doesn’t know my true value yet, I’ll give him a day,” Rhian smirked.

“Oh, uh, please let me help with that!” Gwen rushed to his side.

Stryg stepped away and let her remove the stirrups and saddle.

“I am Rhiannon, a show horse of the Swift Winds,” she raised her arms up high, as if to the cheers of an invisible crowd.

“The Swift Winds?” Gwen’s eyes widened to saucers.

That famous establishment only accepted VIPs. To even buy the cheapest of centaurs there would require connections of powerful Houses. Gwen didn’t think they were lying. After all, only a very expensive breed could have such leg power combined with nimbleness. Gwen glanced at the goblin? How was he able to get his hands on such an incredible centaur? Who was he?

“Some people from Swift Winds will be dropping off a shipment of food later today,” Stryg said.

“I’ll be sure to receive it, sir. I won’t fail either of you,” Gwen swore. This was a dream come true. She was actually able to talk to a show horse.

“Alright. Rhian, I’m heading inside, I’ll see you in the morning, let’s hope you can handle a steady gait by then,” Stryg went to the gate.

“Don’t worry, master. I’ll make a rider out of you yet!” Rhian called out.

Stryg hissed at her, before he left.

Rhian frowned, “Do goblins normally do that?”

“I have no idea,” Gwen said.


“Remember how I told you I was thinking of picking up a hobby?” Feli said over the dinner table.

“Yeah, you said you were bored just being in the apartment all day,” Stryg recalled.

“Right, well, I’m thinking of investing in the trade business. I’m not sure what merchandise yet, I’ll have to figure it out.”

“You mean like caravans?”

“Yeah, exactly. It’s an expensive venture to invest in, but the rewards are quite lucrative. I think it’s a great way to start building up our wealth. I mean we are literally in the city of trade. Why not take advantage of it?”

Stryg put his spoon down as he pondered the idea, “You make a good point. We should take advantage of whatever strengths we can. But, I don’t know anything about trading. Do you?”

“Well, no, but we can always hire a caravan broker to help us with that sort of stuff. Plenty of people go to the business academy for that sort of thing. It won’t be hard to find some middle-class graduate to help us.”

The word graduate struck a chord in Stryg’s mind. Plum had just graduated a few weeks ago, but she had explicitly asked for Stryg to not attend. He wondered how she was doing. What sort of pain she must be feeling. How much did she hate him? Was she willing to kill him? If so, would he have to be on guard in case she tried? Could he kill her? Plum’s smile flashed in his mind. He wasn’t sure.
Feli noticed the brooding look begin to overcome her lover.

“So, how was your day?” She asked.

“Eventful,” Stryg said through a mouthful of soup.

“How so?”

“I rode on a centaur.”

“That’s amazing! I’ve always wanted to ride one myself. Where did you ride one?” Feli leaned over the table, eager to hear more.

“Master Loh’s centaur, Ruby. It was a bit uncomfortable. I don’t know why people like to ride them. You can’t even see in front of you, instead you have to trust them to lead the way. I thought the whole thing would be more glorious.”

Feli leaned back in her chair, “Well, maybe if you had your own centaur you’d be able to trust them more.”

“Nope, definitely not.”

“What does that mean?” Feli raised an eyebrow.

Stryg just kept eating.

“Stryyyyg, did you buy a centaur?”

He still kept eating.

“Oh gods, you did, didn’t you?” Feli squeaked, “This is great! What’s his name? What is he like? Where is he?”

“Her name is Rhiannon, or Rhian for short. She’s in the stables out back. And she’s annoying.”

“...You bought a female centaur?”


“Any particular reason?”


“Which is?”

Stryg stood up, “I’m finished, thanks for the food. I’m going to head to bed.”

“Wait, you never go to sleep this early,” Feli narrowed her eyes.

“I have to get up early tomorrow. I’m heading on a trip with Master Loh.”

“For how long?”

“A few weeks, months maybe, I’m not quite sure.”

Feli rubbed her temple, Stryg never failed to surprise her with the most abrupt news.

“I see, well, I suppose Miss Loh has your best interests at heart,” she sighed.

“...Yes, I think she does. It’s weird to believe it, but I do,” Stryg chuckled.

Feli smiled sadly, he still struggled with believing others cared for him. She got up from her chair and kissed him, “I’m going to miss you, a lot.”

Stryg blinked. He picked her up by the legs and threw her over his shoulder.

“Help, a knave is kidnapping me!” Feli cried out playfully.

“Damn right,” Stryg spanked her butt.

Feli giggled as they went to the bedroom.


After several rounds of sex, Feli had admitted defeat, and after several more rounds, Stryg had accepted her surrender. They lay in bed exhausted, Feli far more so.

An hour later she found herself playing with Stryg’s grey hair. His hair practically glowed silver in the blue moonlight.

She threw on a bathrobe and headed towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Stryg yawned.

“I’m going to have a quick chat with Rhian before you both leave tomorrow. You can head back to sleep, I’ll be back in bed before you know it.”

“If anything happens just scream, I’ll hear you,” Stryg mumbled.

Feli kissed him on the cheek, “My hero.”

“A tribe protects their own,” he grumbled and closed his eyes.

“Exactly,” she whispered.


Jabari Lambert

Saw the name of this chapter and immediately thought oh someone wants to f*CK a centaur.