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Chapter 76: Not What I Expected

Rhian easily jumped over the log fences. She had been training for years, the obstacles the trainers had set up were of no challenge to her anymore. She was ready to perform in front of crowds, to awe more than the few spectators that came by the 6th floor.

The master of Swift Winds appeared from the stairs. Two people followed behind him. For Master Karlok to show people around was very rare, these had to be very important guests. Rhian put more effort and flair into her obstacle run, she wanted to show these guests who she was, that she wasn’t just ready for the spotlight, she was the star of the show.

As Rhian galloped, she kept watch on the guests from the corner of her eye. One of them was a drow and the other was... a goblin? That was strange, she had never seen a goblin around here before, she was under the impression they were all quite poor.

Rhian noticed the drow woman wore a silver necklace with three gems, an amber, a grey moonstone, and an onyx.

Isn’t that a mage necklace? Rhian thought.

While not all magi were aristocrats, they were all at least middle class. Even if they were simply middle class, they still commanded great prestige within Hollow Shade. At least, that was what Master Karlok had taught her. The drow mage was probably a powerful figure in society, a scion of a Named House, or perhaps maybe she was from a Great Named House. The goblin was most likely the drow’s servant.

Rhian caught the goblin watching her from afar, awe clearly on his face. This was most likely the first time he had ever seen a show horse. Rhian turned to him and smirked. She would give him a performance he’d never forget. She quickened her pace and jumped past several log fences with ease.

After a few minutes of doing trick after trick on the obstacle course Karlok stepped away from the guests and walked over to her. The trainers called Rhian and the other two nearby centaurs to stop their training.

Rhian bowed her head, “Master Karlok.”

“Today is your lucky day it seems,” Karlok grinned.

“Then does that mean?”

“Indeed, you have been chosen.”

“I knew they’d be impressed,” she smirked.

“Calm yourself, the purchase has yet to be finalized. That woman over there is Loh of House Noir, respect is of the utmost importance.”

“As in the Great House Noir?” Rhian’s eyes widened in surprise.

“The very same one, so behave yourself. Otherwise, I’ll sell them another show horse.”

“Oh, please. You know I’m the best among the show horses,” she rolled her eyes.

“Don’t underestimate the others. You may be skilled, but so are they. And you have a penchant for hubris. So, do your best to win them over or else they’ll move on.”

“Of course. I’ll win them over in seconds,” Rhian smiled coyly.

“That’s exactly what I mean,” Karlok began walking back to the guests. “Follow me and remember, behave.”

“Yes, Master.”


Karlok signaled his eyes over at the goblin, “And this is Miss Noir’s apprentice, Stryg of the… Ebon Hollow tribe. He is the one who has chosen you and will become your new master.”

Rhiannon’s jaw went slack, “Eh?”

Loh held her side as she kept laughing, “This is just too great. Stryg, have fun with this one.”

Stryg’s eye twitched as he watched his master. He turned to the centaur, “Hello. I am Stryg. You will be the 3rd member of our tribe. Luckily, since I chose you, there will be no need for an initiation trial like normal.”

Rhiannon turned to Karlok, “3rd member?”

What sort of tribe only had two people? Was this goblin high? Actually, what tribe was he talking about? Hollow Shade had no tribes. Could he be a barbarian from one of the Dusk Valley tribes?

Karlok slapped her across the cheek, “That is not how you address your future master! Miss Noir, Mister Stryg, please forgive this naive centaur for her foolishness. I assure you it won’t happen again.”

Rhian cleared her throat, “Please forgive this foolish centaur.”

“I’m not the one you should be asking for forgiveness,” Karlok crossed his arms.

Rhian bowed towards Stryg, “Please forgive this foolish one. This centaur was simply surprised, she has never seen one quite like you or heard of your tribe.”

Stryg walked up to her, she didn’t dare glance up at him. “I understand your confusion. My tribe is newly founded and there is none like me. So, I’ll say this once. I’m the chief of this tribe and I have chosen you to be my mount. Fail me in this and I will banish you.”

“Banish?” Rhian whispered.

“It means death, for someone like you,” Loh wiped away a tear of mirth. “There is no place in this Realm for untamed beastkin. And believe me when I say Stryg is one who holds true to his threats.”

Rhian grimaced, what sort of barbarian was this goblin? Disobedience would always lead to punishment, but never death. She wasn’t a slave to be culled. She was a damn show horse!

Rhian looked at Karlok pleadingly, he ignored her.

“But, if you choose to ride with me, then I promise we will attain glory the likes of which you’ve only dreamed of,” Stryg boasted.

Honestly, he wasn’t sure he could make good on that promise. But, he wanted to demonstrate to her that he was a proper chief. He needed to display he had a great vision for the tribe and exude the confidence that could make her believe he could make that vision a reality.

Rhian looked at him skeptically. This was a goblin. What sort of glory could he promise her? Karlok did say he was Miss Noir’s apprentice. That meant the goblin was a mage. Perhaps, things wouldn’t be as bad as Rhian thought...possibly.

“This one understands,” she mumbled.

Stryg frowned. She didn’t seem inspired.

“Are you still sure you want to buy her?” Loh grinned.

“Obviously,” he clenched his jaw.

“Stubborn as always,” Loh shook her head.

“Let us head down stairs to finalize the purchase then,” Karlok made haste to the stairs.

“Ah, before I forget,” Loh raised a hand. “Can we get Maximus, too?”

Karlok paused in his steps and spun around with a smile, “Are you perhaps interested in buying Maximus?”

“Indeed. I’m in need of a proper battle steed myself and you’ve outdone yourself with Maximus. I think he’ll serve as a wonderful travelling companion.”

Karlok clapped his hands, “Wonderful! I’ll get one of the trainers to bring him down to the front. You won’t be disappointed, I promise you. Both of you.”

Karlok went downstairs ahead of them.

“You want Maximus?” Stryg asked.

“You don’t like the idea?” Loh asked with a raised eyebrow

“I thought you didn’t like men.”

“I don’t,” Loh sighed. “You misunderstand. I’m not buying Maximus for pleasure. I’m buying him specifically for battle. You need to learn to prioritize and choose the best option. You can’t always have it all. Battle and sex aren’t in the same level of priority.”

“But, isn’t sex just another form of battle?” Stryg tilted his head.

“You’ll understand soon enough,” Loh stretched. “Now come on, bring your comfort centaur with you.”

“Yes, master,” Stryg nodded.

“I’m not a comfort centaur,” Rhian frowned.

Loh chuckled, “There’s nothing wrong with being a comfort centaur.”

Rhian stood up, a hand to her chest in a posture of indignation. “Are you both blind? I may have been taught the basics in the art of love-making, but I am not a comfort centaur. I am a performer, a show horse. A centaur to be admired above the rest.”

“You’re more open to disrespect when Karlok isn’t around, huh?” Loh noted.

Rhian’s face paled, “This one is very sorry, she didn’t mean any disrespect.”

“Yes, you did. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Karlok. However, I for one am very much for candidness. You are in the presence of a highborn aristocrat who is also a high master mage, yet you didn’t hesitate to correct me.”

Rhian swallowed, “This one was wro-”

Loh held up a finger, “Ah, don’t speak. You’re a centaur. You don’t have the right to speak in my presence without permission and I have given you none. Do you understand, beastkin?”

Rhian bowed, “Yes.”

“Good, at least you are not dumb.” Loh looked the centaur over, “You may have been bred and groomed to be a show horse, I may have been looking for a travelling centaur, and Stryg may have claimed to have chosen you because of your abilities. But, I suspect the main purpose he actually chose you is for none of those reasons.”

Loh walked over and gripped Rhian’s throat, “So, when you are giving him a blow job, then you can tell me you're not a comfort centaur.”

Rhian winced at the drow’s grip, but held her tongue.

“I told you that’s not why I chose her,” Stryg furrowed his brow.

Loh ignored him and tightened her grip, “As I said, I like being candid, so let me share a few factual truths with you, Rhiannon. I don’t care about you. Not because you’re a beastkin, but because I don’t care about most people. But, do you see that lying little blue fella right over there? I care about him, a lot. So, if it gets into your pretty little head to try and hurt him, I will cut you into little pieces, burn those bits, and feed them to the dogs. Do I make myself clear, harlot?”

“Perfectly,” Rhian gasped out.

The centaur was used to pain. Every beastkin in Swift Winds knew pain well, it was how the trainers taught them they had made a mistake. And Rhian knew she had made a very grave mistake. She had acted prideful in front of the drow. Since Loh had laughed and seemed relaxed, Rhian had taken it as compliance to her behavior. Rhian had been very, very wrong. This drow was dangerous, more than Karlok, for Loh didn’t mind killing her.

“Good.” Loh let her go and headed to the stairs, “Let’s go.”

Stryg said nothing and simply followed her.

“Right away,” Rhian said meekly.

Stryg admired his master. When Rhian had called them blind, he wasn’t sure what to do. Normally, a chief would discipline any tribe member who spoke out against him. But, Rhian wasn’t technically a part of the tribe yet. If he couldn’t discipline her, then did that mean he had to attack her? Kill her?

Loh’s answer didn’t disappoint. She had very clearly inspired fear and power into the centaur’s mind. It was the kind of thing a tribe chief could do. It was the sort of thing Stryg hoped to learn.

Loh waved him over.

He jogged up to her, “Yes?”

Loh spoke in a quiet voice, “You are a mage now, Stryg, but people will always judge you for what you look like. And the truth is, most people see goblins as subpar. If you wish to thrive in the upper society of Hollow Shade you need to show that you belong. You have to put people in their place or else they’ll take advantage of you. They’ll take whatever leeway you give them, even a centaur. You can’t show weakness.”

Stryg glanced behind him. Rhian wore an angry expression that quickly disappeared under a face of impassiveness.

“...I see,” Stryg nodded.


Jabari Lambert

I love Loh and Styg’s dynamic and this chapter gave me a few laughs.


It felt like it took 3 minutes to read this lol

Hunter Joseph

Short but good chapter