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Hello all you happy $5 and up backers.

As you well know, having a poll with only a handful of voters isn't exactly much of a poll. So unlike the upcoming election cycle, we'd like to be a lot fairer with this Patreon. Since you showed such kindness so early on in this podcast's lifetime, we're going to let each of you constituents and champions pick an episode subject! Just write a comment here: pick the subject—character, studio, director, animator, etc. and we pledge to cover it in a future episode! (Individual cartoon choices are appreciated too, but may be subject to how much we know about it.) If the Patreon doesn't explode with backers, we'll circle back and offer this again once we cover all your first picks.

We hope to hear from you all... "Y-y-yes, all four of you," as Porky Pig might say. Thanks, the best is still to come!




I gave this a lot of thought and had to boil down to one title - LONG-HAIRED HARE. Will that work?


I'd like to hear an episode about Gabby Goat! I've long been fascinated by the Porky co-star that could've been a contender. Especially if there's some insight about his planned appearance, then removal, from Porky's Party.


I think we can work that into a discussion! Bob was telling me how fascinated he was with "Porky's Badtime Story", so that could be a possibility.


Chuck Jones and why his cartoons are so great was definitely on our list, and "Long-Haired Hare" is a fine choice.

Dylan Carbonell

You think you could make an episode discussing one of the lesser known but still amazing WB directors, like Frank Tashlin or Art Davis?


We LOVE Tashlin and Davis and are totally getting around to their cartoons—there's just so much ground to cover! But a Davis episode, about his cartoons and animation, is on our list of upcoming episodes to record. If there's a particular title you want us to examine from either of them, just name it and we can probably swing it!


Ok back online after the hurricane. I love the handful of “don’t make noise” cartoons of Tex Avery at mgm. My favourite is the legend of rockabye point. I’m looking forward to episodes on mgm Tex, Michael Lah etc.


You guys must have ESP. "Deputy Droopy" was one we were going to specifically do, with a special call-in guest who calls it his personal favorite.


I know I already weighed in, but I know for damn sure there will be an episode about TWO GOPHERS FROM TEXAS.


Walter Lantz and Woody Woodpecker/Andy Panda might make an interesting subject...maybe one of the few shorts both of them appear in?


Woody Woodpecker is one we plan to record next week! An added bonus will be Bob's recollections of being director/showrunner of the 1998 Woody revival. [Spoiler: he knows it sucks, so say what you will.]


I know they’re regarded as a mediocre, but I’ve wondered how Ben Hardaway and Cal Dalton became a directing team (as opposed to Dalton working solo). I’d like to see an episode on the short Hobo Gadget Band.


Although I admit only a few of them are truly outstanding, I *am* curious to learn a bit more about the Animaland cartoons--and David Hand's career in general, really.


How about an episode on cartoons that make you genuinely shiver - Heavenly Puss, Satan’s Waitin’, and the analysis would be on Case of the Stuttering Pig!