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Hey team! I spent some time compiling our most prominent projects so far into a Dropbox folder tree. You should be able to find all our past animation projects: 

- Return to Sender 3 

- MHA Security Breach

- MHA Texas Smash Holdem 

- Kyoshi Freedom Festival 

You should also find a continuously updated list of a lot of our older Gumroad packs as they cycle out of rotation. I'm sure y'all will find plenty to appreciate about them! Be nice, they're a little old, but they really were trying their best!


Enjoy! More soon.



Link is down... o.O


link isn't working :(


Link is down 😭


How do I get access to the folder? It says I have no permission :/


I am working to address the Dropbox issues and am unsure why people are having trouble accessing certain folders. By FAR the best way to contact me if you're having issues is through the community Discord.


Should be fixed, thank you for your patience, apologies I didn't see this until now.


It's a little finicky but I've gotten it to work! And ooohhhhh boy....once again, I'm in love~ 😍😍😍 Your animations and gifs are absolutely stunning!