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Hey team, I'll preface this by saying as always I'm gonna be aiming to get a satisfying amount of content out this month, but some unfortunate events cropped up this month. Most problematically, we were the victims of an attempted hotwiring, and our car's ignition is completely destroyed. We're already working on it, but repair estimates / time lines are proving problematic. We'll be fine, just an unlucky event that's eating into valuable production time. 

On top of that I'm gonna be out of town for a week on family business later this month, which further compacts the production schedule.  I promise I'll be aiming to get you guys some quality content before end of month regardless though! Just wanted to fill you guys in on recent events. 

Thanks so much for the support. More soon <3



Car troubles are always rough 😭


Fingers crossed that you guys are able to get it resolved as painlessly as possible. And like Necromancer said, no need to apologize - shit happens 🫂


That stinks. Best of luck to you.