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This month has been ROUGH on me. I was quiet about it because I hate worrying y'all, but I got quite sick. Not covid, but a nasty bug. Congestion and coughing aside the brain fog alone was pretty debilitating, but I realized it was bad when I tried to be productive day 3 and my hand was shaking too badly to draw lol. Good news is as of today I'm feeling my art skills returning. I want to work more on this segment and polish it up, but I think everyone will be happier if we move on to the meat of the scene with Sai.

ANYWAY: The story!

(Dropbox Download) https://www.dropbox.com/s/894leij4bd71fej/Codex%201.mp4?dl=0

Sae Nijima shows up at the Codex, wanting to probe it for ideas to defend her own Palace (Persona 5 lore that I speed-run through in the update). We end on a little bit of payoff involving some other Persona ladies, before next update where Sae herself will get a chance to try and break out of the maximum security prison.

Also featured this update is an experiment with a more hybrid production model! All the non-sexy animation is kept to pretty minimal key frames and simple construction, so that the payoff bits can be in full color and finished quality (see Ann and Makoto).

What do you guys think? Is the extra finish on the sexy-bits worth a quality dip of the buildup? Let me know!





Yikes. I hope you feel better soon.