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Yo team! So the move is going... alright. lol It was supposed to all be done last Wednesday, but suffice it to say some issues cropped up that split it into multiple move days. Main issue that created was my computer and drawing tablet were now at location A, but internet was only active at location B. 

I couldn't just sit around twiddling my thumbs though so I have been playing the ultra dangerous game of working from my parents' basement this past week lol. It involves a lot of careful tab management and keeping decoy SFW character design art up on the tablet a lot. 

Location B should be fully operational this Friday, and then we will finally be back in full operation schedule. I feel so bad that this week-long interruption has turned into 3. 

I really appreciate all the patience and support while I get this sorted <3

More soon!


Spelt Wrong, but right.

Sorry to hear that, hope the rest of the move goes well and swift.


I hope things get better for you soon.