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Yo team, just a heads up!

A bit over a hundred hours of work went into that first cinematic because I really wanted to sell the sprawling / active nature of the Kyoshi's game. I pushed myself very hard on it and I'm very pleased with the overall results, but in order to not completely gas myself I'll be taking a chunk of this month's Weiss comic update and moving it over to next month instead where it will be more balanced against a standard workload.

I'm totally fine, not burnt out, but I recognize the feeling of pre-pre-burnout so I'm taking proactive steps to maintain slow and steady marathon pace <3

That's all! Hope you guys enjoyed! 

More soon!



Take all the time you need. :)


Props for that kinda self awareness. Not everyone can see when they’re coming up on their limits. You do whatever you gotta do (P.S. your work on the first part of the animatic absolutely shows. Super well done)