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Vote for all that apply!

Voting season begins to see who the next animatic will follow and what it will be about!

The winner of this poll isn't set in stone going to be the next animatic, this is just to see where interests currently lie in general. Compiled from you lovely patrons!



Genuinely hoping Avatar doesn't win. As much as I like Korra, we've seen her and Asami in your Animations a lot. Toph and Katara are still kids in my eyes as well


If ATLA wins the tone would be very different and much more playful because I'm in a pretty similar boat. We shall see though!


I have the same 'still kids' feeling with all of the RWBY girls, probably because of the 'school setting' start.


What makes it different/better for me is that they've actually crossed the 18 Year Old Mark in the show, they all started out at 17 in Season 1 except Ruby who was 15 (she got in early), and Volume 8 is about 2 years after, so everyone is about 19 except Ruby who is 17ish. For Toph and Katara, they ended off ATLA 16 and 14/15 Unless you want to count flashbacks in Korra, but these animations typically show them as their ATLA selves


Huh, I really didn't get the impression that the RWBY girls were meant to be that age at the beginning of the series. Felt much more like beginning of high school age (13-14ish), guess it was the setting, For them, I think a lot of it might be that I started watching the series as an adult, significantly older than the characters. So even though the characters have aged, they still register in my head as 'too much younger than me'. Whereas for ATLA, I was the same age as Katara/Suki/Ty Lee when the show aired, so I think of them as being my age (and mostly see art with them drawn as a little older than in the show).