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Hey team! Just chiming in to keep you guys abreast of what all's coming this month!

We will be continuing the Weiss comic to completion at this point, I suspect it's got about 4 major updates left.

I am also working on a spiritual sequel to this old comic of mine https://www.deviantart.com/dawho555/art/Haunting-in-Jump-City-858106791 following the events of Raven's capture. Figured we could cram in an extra halloweeny type piece of content.

Lastly as a bit of more fun, I'll be re-making an old gif from scratch. As opposed to a Toon Up where we just add more to what's already there, this will be rebuilding something from the ground up with the knowledge I've gained in the past year or so. Should be a fun before/after type thing!

Thanks team!

More very soon!



Raven in the Codex follow up is chef's choice!

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Thanks for the update, will be looking forward to these great releases.


Looks great, and I'm definitely looking forward to the Raven sequel. :)


revved after MHA.