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Hey team!

So I'm still kind of basking in the completion of yet another massive 6 part animation project. While I don't know for sure what our next flagship piece will be, I did want to go ahead and get some announcements out and ideas bouncing for for our next 'arc'. 

> Our next multi-part animation project will begin January of 2022. I will be spending the last few months of 2021 doing one-off comics and animations to scratch some creative itches while I plan some stories. I will also be brain storming ideas for the next big series during this time. 

> 2022 Release Format is currently planned to shift ever so slightly. Instead of doing one Toon Up and one huge Animatic entry like now, I will aim to produce two narratively driven posts each month.  One of these will be animated like Texas Smash Holdem, and stay in the world of Fan Art (MHA, RWBY, Naruto, Totally Spies etc).  The other series will be an original comic, set in our Asylum setting (The Codex) and follow its original characters (plus some guest stars)!

Currently my monthly effort split is about 80% animatic, and 20% Toon Up. For 2022 I intend to make it an even 50/50 split, meaning the comics will be longer and more detailed, and the animations will be a little less sprawling (unlikely to have 2 minute long animation updates done in a single month), but the total amount of story-based content will be going up. Also, it might become better for some animated projects to only be two or three entries long, instead of six, depending on the needs of the story, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

As a general housekeeping note, I intend to finish the Weiss comic, and then the Codex series will replace it as our new monthly comic once it's complete.

> While I take the last few months of 2021 to percolate ideas on what big series we'd like to tackle next, I want to open up the floor to you guys! As always, this page is about Smut with a Story, so if you've got ideas for a story you'd really like to see animated next, let me know in comments below or DM's!

Thanks team! More soon!



Sounds good, and maybe something with Raven and the other Teen Titan ladies? No solid idea yet.