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Part 6 (Finale) https://www.dropbox.com/s/av4oi9ioh4l1zwf/Texas%20Smash%20Holdem%20Part%206.mp4?dl=0

Picking up from the exact moment we left off in part 5! 

See the previous installment (Part 5) here

This concludes our six month adventure with the gals of MHA! 

I will be compiling all six entries into a single video in the coming month. Next month will be some shorter form content as I let ideas for what to do next start to percolate :)


Nylle wheeler

Are these links dead now?


Yeah sorry our format is that animated shorts are available all the way up through their production cycle, but once we start the next project the old ones are moved to Gumroad (discount links should be pinned to the top of my page) I appreciate your support 🙏

Gregorio Martinez

the links is dead what could i do to se this part?

Cody Walton

:< can't view 4,5 or 6


Pfft, the tiny details are amazing. Loved the joke with the pizza place, and Jirou's reactions are perfect (and hilarious).


Thank you so much! I worked really hard putting all the character I could into this series on top of the smut 🤣

nope b

omg part 2 soon pls! also the jokes were great lmao great video!

nope b

omg part two with midnight? i would die


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm rather proud of what I made here 😌 We will probably be moving on to a new IP for our next long run animation, but I imagine we might return to Texas Smash Holdem one day in the future!


worth the wait. award winning! your creativity is great on this piece. your character base can be used a LOT on sequels.