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Sorry to end this page on a more somber note, but it felt right to give Weiss' comic a more cerebral and thoughtful tone revolving around what actually goes into an abduction fetish! 

The next update won't be this large. Given my current workload, I can feasibly add maybe four or five panels a month via Toon Up. This was a very large undertaking on top of the record-setting animatic this month and I wanna be careful about overworking myself.

Enjoy! <3



Patrick Conner

I really wish the show had done anything at all with the Weiss/Blake dynamic. This is a cool concept.


Really great comic! So, this will become a monthly thing? Or will people have to vote on it for the next page?


The latter! People will get to vote on whether they want more comic or more animation as a monthly thing.


I actually wrote to them about adding in a sexy kidnapping scene with Weiss's tits out and they didn't write back.