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Submissions for next month's Toon Up are open!

As a refresher, you can pick any of my previous works and have it added to in a way of your choosing (add color, turn into an animation, add more frames / shots to a sequence, add more panels to a comic, whatever else you're creative enough to come up with). 

For those of you who have a hard time choosing, I'd recommend just picking your favorite piece in recent memory and requesting more be added to it!

Thanks for your support. Looking forward to seeing what ideas come out of this round!



I nominate Nico Webbed for the toon up. Id love to see it coloured and a new panel showing her encased in webbing, wiggling around.


I propose a kind of continuation to the Yang and Blake comic recently made! I know they both wanted to be tied up willingly, but how about they get some kind of revenge on Weiss for tying them up? Maybe all wrapped up and such?


I'mma go ahead and nominate a colorization of the "Opal Air Conditioning" GIF. Opal Bei Fong needs some more bondage love, dammit.


The Lara Croft Draw with me as a gif