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Alright team, quick status update. 

I'd like to start by affirming I am in good spirits and health. That said, this month has been quite draining, especially coming off my doing six weeks of double duty between work/patreon and animation classes, and I lost about a half a week of work to some real life stuff, which is fine and normal, but it puts me very far behind my usual monthly schedule. 

I want to make sure this outlet stays healthy and positive and enjoyable for me, so I'm going to be adjusting my usual work output a bit for this month instead of redlining myself. 

Primarily, I'm not sure I'll have time this month to make a full proper sequel installment to the MHA animatic. Instead, I'm probably going to make something a bit more fun and bite sized, like a more quality-focused loop of someone just really gittin fuqq'd hardd (or something of the like). Basically consider this month an intermission month from the main content so I don't have to sacrifice quality / length of the next entry to fit the cramped production time. 

I make the best stuff when I'm happy and relaxed so I just wanted to make sure you guys knew this month is going to be more about me maintaining that balance while still creating fun, sexy content for you guys <3

Thanks so much for all the support! More soon!



Of course! take all the time you need, I too, do my best work when I'm feeling well :)

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Got it, we will all wish you the best. Make sure you get everything in order and shining beautifully. We will be here for you.


No worries. Take all the time you need; your health is the most important thing.