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Alright, time to collect pitches for the next monthly animatic.  

For those who may not know - the Toga series is over, but we aren't leaving the Asylum. The next series is going to be fashioned as a 'day in the life' video of the Asylum staff. Meaning it will be following staff members from the Asylum around their various bondage-y jobs. Could be a guard, nurse, scientist, etc. It's likely to switch a few times. (Yes this will allow for you to insert your own OC's in some cases).  

All in all, this won't change too much about the ideas you're allowed to pitch.  Every month is still going to be the format of "X damsel having Y done to her". However, instead of "Pyrrha in the fucking machine", your suggestion might be  "Pyrrha getting hand-milked by an Asylum guard" or "Pyrrha learning what 'meal time' is" or what have you. You can be as detailed or generic with the bondage as you like!

Anyway, submissions for how we open the new series are now open! I will be fielding any questions you may have below!


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