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This is a depiction of a fantasy/roleplay scenario between consenting adults.

Stash Link to both Animated and still versions with alts in case Patreon resolution sucks:

Project #1 complete! Remastered this old comic of mine in a pretty major way if I do say so myself!




That is some excellent contortion bondage!

Patrick Conner

Wowza. That's a pretty major upgrade.


All those martial arts turned out to be good for something other than saving the world! -Insert tired joke about 'bending' -


Oh, now that is just sublime! Hell, with a slight shift in Korra's position and a little padding here and there, that face would make a great place for Asami to sit...


Now that's pretty A1 shit right there. Solid job on the whole thing, you did amazingly!


When Gandhi said to be the change you wish to see in the world, I don't think he had the world of smut comics in mind, but I'm taking his advice nonetheless 😂


Can't prove it isn't what he meant. Checkmate historians.


Damn, that thing gets to work pretty fast! Really good stuff all around my dude! Altough i gotta ask where did her bindings on the second panel went all of a sudden? XD I assume they were taken off offscreen the same way her undies disapears too, probably for the sake of convenience. lol Again, nice quality content ! Keep it up! : D


Oh boy, I remember this one... good times :) I do wish we could get animated versions of the ones where there's a dick in her mouth as well (and I miss the way her toes curled in the original animation), but beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.


Lol I was wondering when someone was going to ask about that! Yeah it was shameless 'get to the good stuff' handwaving across the board 😅


If I get the chance to do more work on this I'd very much like to! Just a matter of having the time! Toe curl was on my list big time too, it's just tricky in a fully shaded setting like this and I got better goodies to make for you guys instead 😏


Yee! I moved on to another new piece I should hopefully be finishing up tomorrow! I think you will love it. More Avatar ladies!


Forgot to mention this back when you posted it, but one difference between this and the original that I really like is Asami's face. I'm not sure if you redrew it, or if it just looks different due to the color... however, her expression looks a lot better than it did in the original.


Lol thanks! I did indeed redraw that frame, as well as a few others for that very reason! Those lines no longer hit my standards of quality lol.