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Hi everyone, it's been awhile since the last update.
Once again, thank you everyone for sticking with me. Everyone's support towards my translations means a whole lot, and I can't thank you all enough for continuing to keep me translating stuff ^^
I realize most creators post their update on the first of the month, so I hope you can forgive this one being a week late. This last month has been terrible for me lately.

I understand I missed posting a side translation for last month, but will be posting two things that I have been working on shortly after this to hopefully make up for it. I hope you look forward to it.

I've been battling with two very demanding things with regards to translations, and I'm very very sorry for not making an update about what has been going on.
First is patreon messaging me that I need to fix my page (delete things) so it complies with their guidelines, and secondly is to do with difficulties publishing the Paizuri Fetishist Magazine: "Total Climax Between Breasts!" Vol. 4. 

Patreon Guidlines:
As you probably know, patreon has introduced some strict guidelines when it comes to nfsw content and any such content involving minors. This doesn't just include real life content, it also includes fictional content regardless of how characters look.

Obviously, I do not endorse such underage content at all. People come in all shapes and sizes, and in the context of femdom, size differences are often not in proper proportion to each other, which makes the man often look well... not very manly shall we say.

When I've translated works, I was always under the assumption that this was simply the artists way of making certain scenes possible that would not be in real life.

Over the last couple of weeks, patreon contacted me that the page did not comply with patreon's guidelines, upon which I told them that the characters were not underage. Now what I didn't realise, is that it seems that many of the works I've translated have been listed on Dlsite as 'shota' which is the male underage variant of loli. Huge issue.

So here's the bad news, to stay in accordance with patreon guidelines, I've been asked to follow these set rules on patreon as shown here.

  • No Dlsite links in public posts
  • No horny content in public posts
  • No translations/links to content with the label "shota" on patreon

In the meantime, I would recommend join the Succubus Senki Translation Server here: https://discord.gg/giratranslations
A lot of stuff goes on here from Japanese learning to h-game discussion/antics, so please feel free to check it out!

Regarding the full translation of Paizuri Fetishist Magazine: "Total Climax Between Breasts!" Vol. 4:

For those that have been following my progress of Discord, you will have already heard about the bad news for this. As you know, I've been working with Dlsite's program for translators to try and put this translation out publicly for everyone in Mantra; a very weak third party translation software that is very limiting and exhausting to use.

Mantra is very hard to work with. As opposed to using photoshop where I can do whatever I like from image editing to font adjustment, mantra is a limited web based application that is very limiting on purpose due to what I assume is legal reasons (so they can seize total right over any translations made of it). There is no export or import functions, you can't use your own fonts, multiple fonts (so no hearts emojis sadly), and no image editing functions (so you can't hide Japanese text).

Instead you are provided with a very shoddy edited template where the Japanese isn't even taken out properly, and you're just expected to work with it.

(Japanese isn't taken out properly on the left, textboxes are not fully provided for the title, etc)

But work with it I did. I pushed through all 147 pages of the translation, plus subtitling the video that came with it. What resulted was a pretty decently presented translation, though far from the professional standard of what I could normally do. I worked with what I had, despite all that and after users had finished proofreading, and submitted it.

Shortly after, I got the bad news from Mantra, they said that the translation didn't meet their guidelines, and that the translation would not be published. My heart sank. I had spent the last two months on the side working on this translation, and because it was done in mantra, I don't have anything to show for it. I put all my eggs in one basket, and they all smashed ><;

I do have the option to adjust and resubmit the translation of course, but as is it's getting to be a lot of work. It saddens me to say, but I think I will need to take a break from it so I can continue working on other translations (and start up the next main one). Hopefully mantra will improve by then as well.


In anycase, I'm sorry to bring this announcement to you all. Once again thank you all for continuing to stick with me, and to make up for it I'll be posting two things I've finished recently to hopefully make up for it. I'll also be shifting any conflicting guidling posts to the  discord server soon, so don't worry about missing out if you're a new supporter.

It's also about time we started on the next main translation but I'm not sure if we've reached the goal for it just yet (we're only $14 away as of this post!).
If we reach that I'll make an announcement and poll showing what the results for that are, so look forward to that!

Until then, hope you have a great day, and stay safe ^^


Servo Kamen

Ugh, sorry to hear they screwed you over like that.


Dang, a series of bad events. Don’t worry though we’ll stick with ya!