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One wants answers, the other wants to desperately escape. This has all been just a misunderstanding. See the agent known as Mon was never actually targeting the psychopathic killer…Tara, they had crossed paths a couple of times but that’s all it ever was. Spying the agents knife, paranoia had caused Tara to assume she had a hit out on her. Like many times before, the killer had mistaken henchwomen going about their duties as assassins. Simple fix really. Capture them, confine them to a chair and flog them until they share their malicious plans. Though no such plans existed. Tara was so self absorbed and mentally unstable that she genuinely believed everyone was out to get her. Physical violence was the only answer.

Mon had started her week pretty steady, being assigned effortless tasks. Eliminating petty thieves, idiot units, it’s been a slow week at the office. She wasn’t used to a slow paced work place but since criminal activity was at an all time low in the city her company was struggling to find jobs.

What better way for Mon to cure the depression of the dry spell than to enjoy a few beverages at the local tavern. A hot spot in town where Tara also frequented. Sipping cocktails that were made way too sweet, scoping out the establishment for anyone looking suspicious. Again the paranoia mixed with booze didn’t help this obsession.
Seated in the darkest corner of the bar Tara sees Mon enter. She observes everything. Her well maintained uniform, her polished boots, her vigorous strut to the bar, the way Mon rubbed shoulders with the locals. 

”I bet they are all talking about me, discussing their plans of my demise” Tara spat taking another sip of her cocktail. The thought of her assassin having friends, meaningful relationships , made her sick.

Many drinks and conversations later Mon noticed the time. It was Late. She also noticed how inebriated she was. She was scheduled on for an early start the next day so better wrap it up and take herself home. Exiting the Bar, the streets were quiet. The pavement soaked from the heavy rain. The back alley smelt of mildew mixed with garbage. Regardless of her eventful nights out at the local this town always did make Mon a little grossed out. Big hot shot agent stuck in a dead end job with hardly any assignment’s being tossed her way. Her plans of leaving for better opportunities stayed stagnant. How could she leave when the money wasn’t there?
Mon let out a sigh before stepping away from the exit into the dimly lit rancid alley way. She strutted further away from the bar fantasising about strutting into a much more successful company. Head held high.
Tara peeled out from the shadows and with a heavy hand, laid a fist right into Mons head. Dropping her immediately...





Absolutely brilliant! This is by far the best!


New supporter here! :) You should have searched Raven's clothes after she's done :)


near perfection!