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The crack of the rifle, wizz of the bullet and the deep thud of the hot slug penetrating her stomach caught Catalina completely off guard. How could she be so stupid to not spy all surrounding corners of the balconies that hung above her. This silly mistake now costing her, her life. Clutching at the wound she sinks into herself. The rattling of old creaky stairs echoed in her mind. Someone was drawing closer. She was far too weak to fight them off. Clinging onto whatever strength she had left, she attempted memorising the rough face of her killer just incase she survives her assignation attempt. She could hunt them down for pay back.

Unfortunately her chances looked slim. The fatal burning lead had pierced far too deep. Slumping herself back on the wall, she feels her life slipping. The assassin removes her corset and unbuttons her blouse. Skin so pale, eyes so empty, very fitting for the afterlife...






Shot in the stomach is the perfect shot to the target zone. The look on her face says it all, a slow and painful death for this girl, yes! As she expires she can either fall back with legs open or fall forward bottoms up. The sadist's death fetish come true! Till next time you Queen of Zako!!