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Oh silly girl. I thought you knew better then to not watch your back. I kept my footsteps quiet. Tightly gripping my weapon with a roll of tape fixed over my arm, I stalked my prey. In the dangerous game of cat and mouse I decide wether or not to stay true to the rules. Do I play with my food? Or devour her quickly. Lucky for her I enjoy playing game’s especially when it involves me being the tagger. The thrill is all in the chase. Unfortunately this game was much easier than I anticipated. My target stood right where I wanted her, sadly not making this hard for me. But beggars cannot be choosers.
My method of choice was to not frighten her with a quick pounce, instead I gently poke my weapon into her back. Not too hard! I don’t want her to think that what I’m about to do is personal. It’s all apart of the game. To comfort her I gracefully run my fingers into her soft dark hair, pulling it over her shoulder to one side. With every movement, the sweet scent of her hair products filled my nose, elevating my senses. I love my prey scared and confused. I want them to question wether they will be spared. I want my gentle embrace to leave them with unbalanced emotions.
“Now now little kitten” I whisper to her as I feel her body tremble against my weapon. “Be not afraid, I have not come to hurt you“

“i can feel the coldness of your gun deep in my back, if you’ve not come to hurt me, what have you come to do?” she whimpers.

i place my weapon down to show that today I am not a threat, then slide my hand down to meet hers. Which was firmly on her handgun, ”Only to play” my tongue slithers, like the snake coercing eve to taste the forbidden fruit. Our hands meet, my tenderness makes her release it to me. I run it up her soft thighs and above her navel. Our closeness made me inhale her perfume. I felt a part of her was inside me the more I breathed her in.

Before I toss her gun away I hold it against her for a few more moments, to remind her that right now she is completely in my control. And wether she likes it or not , she will be participating in my sinful activities.




Love the way you employ all your senses to enjoy Vanessa, savouring and breathing her in like an expensive wine.


Wow! How is it I never found this before? Such a sweet capture! Vanessa is one of my favorites. I'd best stop now before I say something I will regret later.