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“I guess there really isn’t turning back now”

It was a mission like no other. As you and Lani delved deeper into the tunnels, you began to feel uneasy, as if you were being watched.  Suddenly, your radio lost signal and flashlights flickered. You both were now completely alone, surrounded by darkness and silence. It was now time to rely on your training and instinct to find your way back.  But soon, you both realised you were lost. The tunnel seemed to stretch on forever. With perseverance in your hearts you push on. Crawling for what felt like miles through winding catacombs surely meant finding a way back was slim.
Until turning a corner reveals a faint glow in the distance. Sliced rays of light shining through. It was a vent.

Trying to keep your movement to a low volume Lani guides you ahead, the sound of footsteps echoing can be heard below the closer you both edged to the vent. Lani holds her finger up to indicate total silence. The sound of clicking heels draws out followed by bitchy laughter, snide remarks questioning both of your intelligence for taking that route and then the loud cry and slam from a rusted metal door shutting.

Then…complete silence. Feeling comfortable enough to exit the dark and ominous tunnel Lani slides off the vent. Swiftly drawing her side arm out just incase any combatants were below.

”I’m going to risk it, but if I go down,” Lani glances over her shoulder at you, then gives you that flirtatious smirk you were familiar with at the entrance. The light reflecting off her eyes, making them sparkle, she felt like home.
“Ill be waiting to escort them to wherever the fuck, the afterlife feels sinners like us belong”

Before you could debate her impulsive manic decision making,  Lani shimmies herself down out of the vent.
You quickly crawl to the opening where you spy Lani now guarding the exit. You slide down and adjust your belt. Lani stands ready with one hand on her handgun, the other gripping the door handle. Moisture her body collected from the tunnel now dripping from her forehead down her neck into her cleavage. She was completely out of her mind. A trait you often at times admired and lusted over.
“If there are any signs of life behind this door, there won’t be soon”

She pries the door open…




What a great bit of writing to go with the wonderful view👏 😋


Totally agree, the storylining is superb, and really enhances the photoset🔥🔥 Would you consider a graphic novel as a project?