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Was informed today that one of my patrons was stealing content from my platform to post elsewhere for their own benefit. Stealing my work to exchange, distribute or post on other platforms will resullt in being banned on the spot. No excuses. i understand that i cannot escape theft of my content, but I do like to think my patrons respect me and my work enough to know better. And though it may be easy for some to just save/ screenshot my work to post elsewhere or send around, it is also not a hard task for me to track down who’s doing it.

thankyou to everyone who has been amazing. 



Disappointed to hear but not suprised. It's a back-handed compliment of course because your content would be valuable "currency". For those of us who've been with you from the start it would feel like stealing from family but as more and more people join now the risk is a minority may feel they owe you no loyalty beyond their monthly fee. I think making your stance clear regularly and applying a zero tolerance policy is the only way. If people don't respect the need to pay for superior niche content, ultimately we ALL lose.


BTW, this event could allow to clarify some certain point about your promoting politic (dont be sure of the right word !) I mean, I know you don t want to grow "too much" by promoting your art on "fetish niches websites" (Undertow, Deadlydesires, etc ...) but on the other hand, I don t really know what to do when I see some fan pictures of you on this sites and people ask : " waow, she looks amazing, where is it possible to find more of her artwork ! " Should I mention your Patreon, just the Neon Dark Discord ? Well, I think it is legitimate to want to promote our fav artist and your (and first me) fans are eager to share this gold nugget but, what is acceptable for you ? Well, sorry to fill the mood but could be the right moment to clarify this ... Once again, sorry for my word, but it is google translate ....


Oh yes please, absolutely mention my page! That’s what shit me most, ide be a little more forgiving with a couple screenshots if my page was credited in the title. It’s the fact that they would just upload them without even directing people where to support


Absolutely it is.it is as simple as this. If they has just asked me permission if they could do their part as a supporter and shared a couple of screenshots ide probably be okay with it! It’s the sneakiness and not crediting my work that pisses me off


Well, just to close the chapter, do you have think to make a special "Insta" channel only dedicated to your "zako" stuff (as Miss Akame to her "special" stuff ?) I mean, we are all the same, nobody want to pay to see and some free stuff is usualy a good apetizer to start the real meal ! Well, just would like to speak about that... The adventure continue !


... or instead of Insta channel could open a dedicated Deviant Art ?