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Another instalment of the Chrome Posse! a detailed custom starring Valkyrie. Two units reciting their pledge of allegiance to their mistress as well as me showcasing my boots to go with my new chainmail! I have added more swords to my collection recently too! Can’t wait to show them off. New catsuits! And pending custom pieces for this month! Stay tuned!



So looking forward to this month, especially revealing (pun) the chainmail and accompanying boots. Oh, the end of the month photo shoot is going to be awesome, and the anticipation is exciting. Can't wait to see if you create a new Amazonian character or dress Álváró in her finest war gear. In any scenario, it will be mystical and magical. Waiting (not so) patiently.😍❣️😍


Tossing up between Alvaro or creating new! I’ll cross that bridge when I get there but leaning more to just sticking to my beautiful end lady


Any colab you do with Valkyrie will be very enjoyable. 😏